Public demonstration on Friday 23 August in San Vito dei Normanni, the Cgil launches the proposal for a Forum for a new development model

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We will build barricades. Evidently, the public demonstration of the past months, following which the project was withdrawn, was not enough. Formica Ambiente, once again proposes the expansion of the landfill located on the border between Brindisi, Carovigno and San Vito dei Normanni. And it proposes an expansion of three million cubic meters for the disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, coming from the entire region and also from outside the region since almost all the landfills in Puglia are at their limit.

The company returns to the charge with an even more invasive project than the one previously withdrawn, given the worrying contamination of the groundwater ascertained for several years and the abandonment of two other landfills located in the area. An even greater challenge against the populations already greatly alarmed in recent months because they are tried by a landfill that over the years has made all its heavy effects felt on the citizens.

Not only that. The company is once again proposing an old project with a very strong environmental impact, anachronistic even compared to the current techniques planned for closing the waste cycle. And the project resurfaces just before mid-August, as in the most classic of scripts, probably because it is thought that – with people on vacation – attention and sensitivity towards these issues may decrease. The Cgil is not going on vacation, attention is higher than ever. Enough with the re-proposal of antiquated methods that have a strong impact on the health of citizens and the environment.

And it is precisely for this reason that we will once again bring together the movements, political parties, associations and citizens in August to say a new No to the implementation of this wicked project that they want to push over the heads of the citizens at all costs.

On Friday 23 August, in the square in San Vito dei Normanni, at 7 pm, we call on everyone to make their voices heard against the expansion of the Formica Ambiente landfill and for a new model of development, environmentally sustainable, starting from the closure of the waste cycle.

Let’s put a stop to these August coups, and once again draw attention to the total absence of adequate dialogue with the local population and the lack of consideration for the already critical environmental impacts. The expansion of the landfill represents a threat to the territory.

The proposed expansion of the landfill represents a step backwards from the aspirations of sustainable development and productive investment that our community deserves.

Let’s go back to asking the institutions and politics what idea of ​​development they have of the territory, let’s go back to asking for an active role also from the Municipality of Brindisi always silent when it comes to accepting settlements imposed from above, strongly impacting and that the population does not want.

For these reasons we call on everyone to mobilize in defense of the territory and for sustainable development. On this occasion, in fact, we will propose the establishment of a Forum for a model of harmonious and sustainable development, in a territory that must self-determine with a view to starting a participatory democracy capable of decisively rejecting choices imposed from above that have often proved to be detrimental to the future of our province.

Anthony Macchia

Secretary General

Cgil Brindisi

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