Public Outcry Over Cost of Harry and Meghan’s Colombian Visit: Millions Spent on Security Amid Economic Struggles

by time news

2024-08-21 12:34:04


Criticism from the PublicHarry and Meghan’s trip to Colombia costs the country millions

Colombia is said to have spent millions on the security protection of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan. This has now drawn criticism from the public.

  • Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry were in Colombia for four days.

  • The visit was, however, expensive. The security protection alone is said to have cost the country eight billion pesos (approximately 1.7 million Swiss francs).

  • This amount has drawn criticism, as Colombia is grappling with enormous socio-economic problems. About a third of the population lives below the poverty line.

Prince Harry (39) and Duchess Meghan (43) have concluded their four-day trip to Colombia. However, alongside much enthusiasm for their appearances in the South American country, there is also criticism. Especially regarding the costs of the visit: the security protection for the royal couple alone is said to have cost Colombia eight billion pesos (nearly 1.7 million francs), according to the British “Daily Mail”.

According to reports, Harry and Meghan were provided with 3,000 police officers and soldiers at a cost of around 428,000 francs per day, along with helicopters, sniffer dogs, a bomb disposal unit, and a guard with a ballistic briefcase and a bulletproof shield.

Ongoing Security Concerns

Even before the trip, many had questioned why Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan chose to travel to Colombia. After all, since their stepping back as working royals in spring 2020, discussions about their security have been ongoing. Harry even took legal action in London to assert his right to security protection in Great Britain – so far without success. That the couple has now traveled to one of the most dangerous countries in the world is therefore quite surprising.

Harry and Meghan followed the personal invitation of Colombia’s Vice President Francia Márquez (42). Together with her, the couple attended several engagements, focusing on the issues of cyberbullying and online discrimination, particularly among young people. Márquez has already faced at least one assassination attempt in recent years.

Criticism for High Security Costs

While Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan were welcomed with open arms by many during their trip, criticism is now mounting regarding the high security costs. This is particularly notable as Colombia struggles with enormous socio-economic issues. About a third of the population lives below the poverty line. The expenditure of such a large sum for the couple’s visit has angered many people in the country.

A city councilor from Cali, which Harry and Meghan visited on their last day, criticized in a post on X: “We are giving away our resources in exchange for sound and smoke. Billions that could have been used for the expansion of children’s canteens, payment for mothers in communities, seed capital for Afro communities, or for the renovation of sports facilities that are practically in ruins.” Instead, public funds are being spent on “rich whites,” decried right-wing politician Andrés Escobar.

He is receiving some support for this, but also a lot of backlash. For example, one X user sees the benefits of the visit for the country: “The extreme right can’t see beyond their own plate. This invitation will pay off in international tourism, as many English people now have Colombia on their radar.” Another asks: “And you as a city councilor, what have you done for the children’s canteens, the payment of mothers in the communities, seed capital for Afro communities, or for the renovation of sports facilities that are practically in ruins?”

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Future Trends in Celebrity Visits and Socioeconomic Impacts

The recent visit of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to Colombia has sparked intense debate over the implications of celebrity engagements in countries grappling with socioeconomic challenges. As more public figures choose to visit such nations, there is a growing expectation for these visits to also drive positive change amidst local struggles.

Heightened Security Concerns

With rising security risks linked to high-profile personalities, countries will likely implement more comprehensive protocols to ensure safety while managing costs. The significant expense associated with the couple’s security—which reportedly amounted to nearly $1.7 million—illuminates the delicate balance countries must maintain between public safety and fiscal responsibility, especially in regions with high poverty rates.

Public Sentiment and Funding Priorities

Public backlash regarding the allocation of funds towards celebrity protection highlights an emerging trend: citizens are increasingly vocal about the use of national resources. Expect to see a growing movement advocating that governments direct funding towards pressing social issues, such as poverty alleviation and community development, rather than expenses deemed extravagant or unnecessary.

Tourism Promotion vs. Local Needs

While such visits can propel international interest in tourism, leading to potential long-term economic benefits, they also provoke questions about immediate local needs. As seen in Colombia, the discourse surrounding celebrity visits is shifting towards a demand for community-centric investments. Striking a balance between showcasing a country’s appeal and addressing local socioeconomic challenges will be crucial for future visits from global celebrities.

Engagement in Local Causes

Moving forward, celebrities may be more inclined to engage with community initiatives or philanthropic projects during their visits, ensuring that their presence benefits local populations. This trend could reshape how high-profile guests are perceived and inspire more collaborative efforts between celebrities and communities, ultimately enhancing their social responsibility.

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