Public Split on Protest’s Impact on IDF: Maariv Survey Results Revealed

by time news

New Survey Shows Public Believes Protest Weakens IDF and Endangers Israel

A new survey conducted by the Lazar Research Institute and published by “Maariv” reveals that over half of the public believes the ongoing protest weakens the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and thus endangers the State of Israel. The survey, headed by Dr. Menachem Lazar, asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with the claim that the protest weakens the IDF and endangers Israel.

According to the survey results, 53% of respondents agreed with the claim, while 39% disagreed, and 8% were unsure. The distribution of answers based on the voting distribution of respondents also indicated that 67% of coalition party voters agreed that the protest weakens the IDF, compared to 29% who disagreed and 4% who were unsure. Among opposition party voters, 38% agreed with the claim, while 57% disagreed and 5% were unsure.

The survey also provided insight into the current political landscape in Israel. It indicated that the trend of the Likud party’s rise and the decline of the state camp in recent weeks has been moderating. However, the balance of power between the opposition and coalition parties remains largely unchanged, with 66 mandates for the opposition (including Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am) and 54 mandates for the coalition.

In terms of party preferences, the Likud party maintained its lead with 28 mandates, although it had dropped compared to the previous week. The state camp followed closely with 26 mandates, while Yesh Atid dropped two mandates to 18. Other parties, such as Shas, Torah Judaism, and Hadash-Ta’al, also maintained their respective mandates.

The survey’s findings were based on an internet survey conducted with 516 respondents, representing the adult population of Israel aged 18 and above, including both Jews and Arabs. The survey has a maximum sampling error of 4.3%.

These survey results reflect the public sentiment surrounding the ongoing protest and its perceived impact on the IDF and the State of Israel. With a significant portion of the public believing that the protest weakens the IDF, it remains to be seen how this sentiment will shape public discourse and political dynamics in the country moving forward.

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