Public Tender No. 26/2022 Tender for the establishment of an acting school in the Arab society

by time news

Contract period:
The contract period will be for two years, from the date the parties signed the contract. The Ministry may, at its sole discretion, extend the contract period by 3 additional periods of one year each in order to carry out the project in subsequent years. The entire contract is subject to the approval of the office’s tenders committee, the approval of the state budget every year and the actual implementation of the budget. Contracting and signing an agreement with the winner of the tender are conditional on having an appropriate dedicated budget in the relevant regulation.
The administrative threshold conditions (section 5.1 of the tender):

  • The building where the acting school will operate will be located in one of the authorities listed in the government decisions or in a mixed city as defined in the tender.
  • The rest of the administrative threshold conditions are detailed in section 5 of the tender.

Professional threshold conditions (section 5.2 of the tender):

  • Threshold condition for the bidder: the bidder has an Arab cultural activity with an annual volume of no less than NIS 500,000 (including VAT) in at least two of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 (for this purpose “Arab cultural activity” – a cultural activity from among the cultural fields recognized by the Culture Administration, defined in section 2.13 of the tender, which is addressed to the audience of the Arab, Druze and Circassian society and is performed by Arab, Druze or Circassian artists).
  • Threshold conditions for the pedagogical director:
  1. The proposed pedagogical director must have an academic education or have a certificate of graduation from an art school supported by the Ministry of Culture in one of these fields: theater art; Play; directing; Theater teaching.
  2. The proposed pedagogical director has at least five years of experience in theatrical work (for this purpose, “theatrical work” ¬– experience in directing, acting, production and/or design in the field of institutionalized and independent professional theater will be recognized).
  3. Has at least three years of experience teaching performing arts in a recognized institution.
  4. The proposed pedagogical director is a native Arabic speaker or at a native level.

Submission of bids: Bids for the tender shall be submitted to the tender box located in the office, 3 Clermont Gano St., Jerusalem, Building C, third floor, next to room 302. The bids Must be submitted by Tuesday 27.12.2022 at 12:00.
Clarification questions regarding the tender should be directed via the email: [email protected] until Sunday 11.12.2022 at 15:00. (Questions addressed orally or by phone will not be answered and will not bind the ordering party), all in accordance with the instructions set forth in section 9 to the tender documents.
A full and binding version of the tender is published at the bottom of this page.
In any case of conflict between this ad and the full tender documents on the website, the provisions of the full tender documents will prevail.

The ad appeals to both women and men.

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