Public transport: Clément Beaune wants a “single ticket” within two years

by time news

Traveling to Bordeaux with your “Navigo” or to Lyon with your Lille “Pass pass”? This is the project that Minister Delegate for Transport Clément Beaune wants to develop over the next two years.

The minister evokes the idea of ​​a “single ticket” which would make it possible to move with public transport everywhere in France, based on the results of an innovation competition organized Tuesday and Wednesday in Paris.

“It is through innovative and concrete solutions that we can revolutionize the daily lives of public transport users in France. The single ticket is a measure that can be deployed throughout the territory and which will facilitate all travel, ”he said, quoted in a press release on Wednesday.

An experiment “from the end of 2023”

“When I came up with this idea, I was told that it would take at least ten years to do this. But I am convinced that in the space of two years, we can develop the single ticket everywhere in France, ”he added in an interview with 20 Minutes.

A hackathon, a competition for computer scientists’ ideas, was launched on Tuesday at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, in Paris, as part of the forum of the Innovation Agency for Transport. In the process, Clément Beaune envisages “an experiment from the end of 2023 in a certain number of voluntary territories”.

A working group will be launched with the authorities organizing mobility (regions and agglomerations) “in order to define the procedures for implementing a single transport ticket on a national scale”, according to the press release.

Navigo and Korrigo cited as models

The transport ticket allowing tomorrow to pass from one region to another and/or from one network to another “can be either an app, which is obviously the easiest, or dematerialized tickets recognized and read by everyone,” said the Minister. “We are not starting from nothing,” he acknowledged, citing the examples of Navigo in Île-de-France and Korrigo in Brittany.

“We will also have to take into account people who do not know digital, who are older or less used to this type of solution, and who will also have to be supported,” he also admitted, noting that the ticket unique to 49 euros per month for local transport set up in Germany will have a paper version.

Regarding a possible single tariff, “we must respect this policy of decentralization of transport”, suggested Clément Beaune, pricing being the responsibility of local authorities. “I distinguish between the support and the price, even if I think that the support can lead to simplifications of prices and encourage the organizing authorities to propose common prices”, he added.

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