Published: 58-year-old Moshe Atias is the suspect in the murder of his partner in Lod

by time news

Cleared for publication: 58-year-old Moshe Atias is the suspect in the murder of his partner, who was found this morning (Sunday) lifeless and with signs of violence in their apartment in Lod. The Rishon LeZion Magistrate’s Court extended his detention by five days. In court it emerged that the suspect tried to end his life about two weeks ago and he is expected to be sent for a psychiatric examination.

According to the suspicion, the husband hit his wife on the head with dumbbells, and immediately after called the police and reported that he had murdered her. After the report, he left the house and fled but was caught by the police. The couple has three children in their twenties and thirties.

This is the second murder case of a woman in Lod within a few days: last week 33-year-old Lider Soysa was found lifeless in the stairwell of her apartment building on St. Martin in Lod. The MDA team that arrived at the scene found her without a pulse and had to pronounce her dead.

It is suspected that he was attacked with an iron rod by her neighbor Yaakov Haimovich, 41 years old from Lod, who harassed her several times before the murder and she even complained against him, but nothing was done to protect her and prevent the horrific murder of a young woman who went for fertility treatments and was murdered at the door of her house.

Following the murder, the women’s organizations strongly criticized the government for neglecting the personal safety of women in their homes. CEO of the Women’s Lobby, Hades Danieli Yedlinaddressed the government and said: “Another morning murder of a woman by her partner. How long until we wake up in the morning to these headlines. This is the second woman murdered in just the last week. 22 women were murdered last year and everything continues as usual. Unfortunately, the Israeli government’s stubborn refusal to sign the treaty The international organization for the prevention of violence against women does not allow the promotion of programs and collaborations to eradicate the phenomenon that could provide tools and answers immediately.”

“We call on the government to make the issue a priority, pass the electronic handcuff law and allocate resources to deal with violence against women. This is life itself, and hundreds of thousands of these women live in danger every day,” she added. Chairman Naamat, Hagit Parsaid that “while the government and the Knesset continue to busy themselves – women’s lives in Israel continue to be desolate. I wish they would promote the electronic surveillance law, and a series of other laws, including joining the Istanbul Convention with the same enthusiasm with which they promote other laws.”

MK Naama to Zimi She said: “Another woman was murdered just because she is a woman. There is no crowd to cheer against. There is no house to seal. There is no legal counsel to accuse. There are no baits to take. There is a reality of gender-based murder that does not interest the Minister of Internal Security. May the revolution be remembered.” On behalf of the Organization of Murdered and Murdered Families, it was stated: “Once again we woke up to the news of another murder of a woman by her husband. Once again, children were left orphaned. The government must take immediate steps to eradicate civil terrorism directed at women and fully implement the plan that has already been formulated and is just waiting to be implemented. The time has come for the state to stop To show that you are helpless when it comes to women’s lives, and will invest all the resources required to treat men on the entire continuum of violence.”

Forum CEO Michal Sela, Lily Ben Ami: “I know what horror movie the murdered family woke up to this morning. She was violently murdered in her home by the person closest to her, the first person who is supposed to keep her safe. News like this should cause the Israeli government to stop everything and issue an immediate response. The blood of women and children that was brutally spilled in terrorism inside the home – is no less red than the blood spilled at the hands of brutal security terrorists. I call on the Prime Minister to meet and implement a series of life-saving measures that will protect threatened women in their homes. Heartfelt condolences to the family. May the revolution be remembered.”

The director of the Division for the Advancement of the Status of Women, Rebecca Neuman: “On Sunday morning, another woman is separated from her life because her partner decided so. He will be arrested, he will be questioned about the ‘circumstances of the murder’ as if he really felt a well-founded reason that can explain to all of us the circumstances that can give rise to such a murderous decision.” For many years we fought to abolish the sentence ‘murder on romantic grounds’. long years of struggle. Abolish the sentence ‘murder on the grounds of family honor’. There are no circumstances for the murder of women, there is a murderer who decided to murder and nothing else. “Once the police and the courts internalize this, then maybe the legislature will turn ‘life imprisonment’ into serving a sentence for life without parole. “Then, protective orders will truly protect through restraint and assessment of dangerousness. So, we will all set a red line for violence on its multitude of manifestations.”

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