“Puppet on a string”: Bar-Lev attacked a bill to amend the police order

by time news

Minister of Internal Security, Omar Bar Levtoday (Tuesday) attacked the police bill of the designated minister, MK Itamar Ben Gabir. “Both on the operative level and on the legislative level – the proposal is unfounded and will lead to the destruction of the Israel Police and the destruction of democracy in Israel. This bill will crush the independence of the Israel Police. It will make it completely controlled by the politicians, and will leave the police like a puppet on a string. This is the destruction of democratic government in the State of Israel,” he said at the beginning of his remarks at the gathering of the Labor faction.

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“While the IDF is authorized to use force against external enemies, the Israel Police works for the citizens of the country. The Israel Police is subject first and foremost to the laws of the country. There is a section that says the next minister has the authority to set policy for investigations, opening cases, prosecution – regarding all these issues the minister will be allowed to set policy. He can also decide that throwing stones is not worth investigating or investigating. Likewise regarding the vulnerability of the youth of the hills who sprays tear gas on security forces,” he added.

According to him, “there is a detriment to the operative activity. Not only in the areas of investigations – the minister can order ten police cars to be brought into a certain place, even if the commissioner, according to the professional opinion, does not think it is necessary.”

Ben Gvir, Kobi Shabtai (Photo: Avshalom Sashoni)

In response to his words, MK Ben Gabir said: “Amar Bar Lev, the most failed Minister of Internal Security, should have put down the keys a long time ago and not left the house. Bar Lev and Michali’s problem is not the bill for the police order, but who will implement the policy – Itamar Ben Gvir. It’s time to fix what the previous government destroyed and fight crime, protectionism and bring personal security back to the streets.”

Earlier today, the regulatory committee approved an exemption from the obligation to discount the Police Order Law. Within the framework of the law, the minister will determine the police policy – and the commissioner will implement accordingly. The law excludes the minister from being involved in specific investigations, but he will be able to establish a general policy of investigation or prosecution.

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