Purchasing power: agreement between deputies and senators on the second block of measures

by time news

The discussion will have lasted a little longer than on the first set of measures on purchasing power on Monday, but after two hours of meeting, deputies and senators agreed on Wednesday evening in a joint joint committee on the bill of amending finances that the Senate had voted at first reading a few hours before.

The text will be submitted to the final vote of Parliament this Thursday. He will pass in front of the Assembly at 3 p.m. then in front of the Senate, dominated by the right, at 5 p.m. This rectified budget for 2022 was brought back into the financial outline set by the government which had announced that, as the National Assembly had done, the Senate could increase the purchasing power package by 350 million euros. In the end, the Ministry of Finance indicates this Thursday morning that the overall impact of the measures added or removed in Parliament represents 500 million euros in Maastrichtian accounting, and that the objective of a 5% of GDP public deficit this year “will be therefore held.”

The purchase of RTTs possible until 2025

A compromise was eventually found on the exceptional back-to-school bonus that the elected officials of the Luxembourg Palace had wanted to replace with a flat-rate aid only to beneficiaries of the activity bonus, halving the number of households benefiting from it. The CMP returned to the initial project but widened its scope to all persons receiving the activity bonus. This will represent a total cost of 1.1 billion euros, or 100 million more than in the initial bill.

Measures on working time have also been reworked. The senators had wanted to make permanent the increase in the ceiling for exemption from income tax on overtime as well as the possibility of buying back RTT. A deadline has been reintroduced, but delayed to December 31, 2025.

The flat-rate exemption from employer contributions on overtime for companies with 20 to 250 employees, added by the Upper House, has been retained. The representatives of the two assemblies also agreed on an increase in the amount of the reimbursement of the public transport package exempt from contributions to 75% of its price.

Support for municipalities

All the measures to increase aid to local communities, voted by the Senate, have also not survived. In particular those concerning the compensation fund for the value added tax and the domestic consumption tax on energy products.

The strengthening of support for municipalities to cope with the revaluation of the value of the index point has, on the contrary, been confirmed in the project which will now be submitted to the two assemblies for final validation.

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