Purchasing power law: feverish majority, passes of arms and serial amendments… In the Assembly, the debates continue

by time news

The debates drag on and are still lively. After parting ways at the end of the night in a spirit of unity by adopting almost unanimously the deconjugalization of the AAH (disabled adult allowance), the deputies resumed this Thursday morning the examination of the bill protection of purchasing power. Article six, relating to the early revaluation of housing aid and the capping of rent increases, offered Olivier Klein his first parliamentary battles. A neophyte within the hemicycle, the Minister of Towns and Housing had to justify himself for the reduction in APL decided during the last five-year term, which is still the subject of numerous criticisms.

Rejecting in turn the amendments of the oppositions, the macronist ranks lived a rather peaceful morning until that presented by Charles de Courson (Liberties Independents Overseas and Territories), aiming to cap the rise in rents at 1.5% in rural revitalization zones, compared to 3.5% in the rest of the territory. The vote by show of hands caused a long moment of hesitation in the assembly, forcing the chair of the session to proceed to a “sit-stand”.

For the first time, the majority votes for an LFI amendment

The Marchers, urgently recalled from the bays of the Palais Bourbon to oppose the text, could not outnumber the opposition who rejoiced at this new outvoting of the presidential majority. To avoid a new hiccup, the government then said it was in favor of the amendments proposing similar capping revisions for the overseas territories and Corsica.

Heckled, the majority tried to appease the spirits by playing the opening. For the first time under this legislature, an amendment from the ranks of La France insoumise received a favorable opinion from the government. “A great victory” for William Martinet, behind this amendment aimed at prohibiting abusive rent supplements, who hailed “the exceptional nature of the moment”.

Returning from the southern break, the deputies tackled article seven relating to the termination of contracts concluded electronically. The majority was again surprised by the oppositions who jointly voted for amendments proposed by LFI and LR allowing any contract to be terminated online, even if it was concluded offline. Second disappointment of the day.

The torpor of the debates ended up winning the benches of the hemicycle, despite the turmoil caused by the rebellious Sophia Chikirou. Reproaching the inaction of the right on the subject of the termination of telephone and Internet subscriptions, she accused them of being “Under the influence of a certain number of lobbies”, provoking protests and anger in the ranks of LR. After four days in the hemicycle, the deputies have only examined half of the text. The debates will continue this Friday, until the adoption of all the twenty articles of the bill. .

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