Purchasing power: the “back-to-school bonus” for the most precarious paid from September 15

by time news

Some 10.8 million low-income households will receive from September 15 exceptional aid of 100 euros, plus 50 euros per dependent child, a device provided for by the “purchasing power” law adopted this summer, announced this Thursday the government. This “exceptional solidarity aid” will be paid to beneficiaries of social minima (such as the RSA or the allowance for disabled adults), as well as to scholarship students, said the Ministry of Solidarity.

It is a “pledge of solidarity and social justice for families and for those who are strongly impacted by inflation”, released at “a key moment like that of the start of the school year”, underlined Minister Jean-Christophe Combe in a statement sent to AFP. “For households not benefiting from social minima and receiving the activity bonus (…) an exceptional and additional payment is planned by the fall”, added the ministry. This boost, the amount of which will be specified later, will be added to the 4% increase in the activity bonus on July 1.

These measures are part of the “purchasing power” package adopted in early August by Parliament, initially with 20 billion euros in expenditure (including in particular the 4% increase in retirement pensions and several allowances ), then a rectified budget for 2022 (PLFR) which opens up 44 billion euros in credits.

This exceptional back-to-school bonus has nothing to do with the back-to-school allowance (ARS), paid in two stages in August and granted, subject to means, to families with at least one school-going child aged 6 to 18. .

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