Purchasing power: the CGT and Solidaires call for a strike for September 29

by time news

The pressure again in the street. The day after Elisabeth Borne’s general policy statement, the CGT and Solidaires called this Thursday for “an interprofessional strike day” on Thursday, September 29, which will focus in particular on wages. This day of action “must be part of a broad and long-term mobilization”, underline the two unions in a joint press release “for wages”.

They justify their call “by government measures announced on purchasing power which are below the situation of impoverishment of the population”, seeing in it “measures hiding miseries, which will compensate for the absence of real revaluation of wages, minimum wage, social minima and student grants”. Incidentally, the unions castigate “the announcement of a continuation of an unfair pension reform which requires working more”.

“Living with dignity is not an option”

“Living with dignity and living well is not an option. It is a societal choice that stems from a radical social transformation, ”further defends Solidaires. The two organizations make this announcement without waiting for a meeting of all the unions on the subject of purchasing power scheduled for Monday at the headquarters of Force Ouvrière.

The government plans to release an envelope of 25 billion euros to help the French overcome the soaring prices of energy and food. With a battery of measures already widely unveiled in recent days: food aid of 100 euros for the most modest households (an additional 50 euros per child), the increase in social minima, the index point for civil servants, abolition of the audiovisual license fee, extension of the fuel bonus, etc.

This call to strike follows the mobilization day of March 17, during which more than 150 assembly points were organized at the call of an inter-union CGT, FSU, Solidaires and Unsa.

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