“Pure Heart” cult is falling apart: families are scattered around the world

by time news
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Shabbat Square exposure: After years of wandering around the world, and being involved in a number of scandals that have caused widespread echo around the world, the extremist ‘Pure Heart’ cult has de facto disbanded. This is according to three members of the cult, in a conversation with Shabbat Square.

Recently, cult members, and families of cult members, have been scattered among several countries around the world. In Guatemala there are still a number of cult members, as a group, who are trying together in a desperate attempt to rehabilitate the cult that has disintegrated. Another group is staying in another country. The rest, as mentioned, were scattered around the world.

Sect members have returned to Israel and been observed on the streets of Jerusalem in recent days. In London, too, members of the cult were observed last Saturday evening buying food for Shabbat.

The cult member in Israel, in recent days (Photo: Haim Goldberg)


Shabbat Square has learned that the crisis that caused the cult to disband is the arrest and conviction of cult officials in the United States several months ago.

Against the background of the disintegration and departure of the members, there are a number of elements in ‘Pure Heart’ who are trying to stop the movement of the members to Israel and rehabilitate the cult at all costs.

At the end of the second month of Adar, this year, a federal judge in the state of New York in the United States sentenced Nachman Helbrenz and Meir Rosner, years of the leaders of the Pure Heart sect, to 144 months in prison (12 years) for the charges against them. .

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Nachman Helbrenz, one of the cult leaders, convicted (screenshot: Windsor Star, YouTube)

Nachman Helbrenz, one of the cult leaders, convicted (screenshot: Windsor Star, YouTube)


The two cult leaders, Nachman Halbrenz and Meir Rosner, were convicted of abducting and smuggling two ultra-Orthodox children from their parents’ home in New York to Mexico and from there to the cult seat in Guatemala, almost three years ago. This conviction, and the arrest of senior officials, as stated, is the trigger that led to the current disintegration.

The two were convicted of kidnapping children from their home in Woodridge (an uptown New York holiday village that also has a Hasidic population throughout the year), carried out in the middle of Saturday – while disgracefully desecrating Shabbat, with Aaron Yeshaya Rosner, Meir Rosner’s brother, driving Of early morning in the car that drove the children away.

The indictment filed against the brother shortly after the affair states that Aaron Isaiah Rosner “seized, abducted, carried and held a man in exchange for ransom and in other ways. Aaron Rosner participated in a program to kidnap two victims in Woodridge, New York, and transfer the victims to Mexico.”

According to the indictment, the sophisticated smuggling involved the children being flown to Mexico through an airport in Pennsylvania, USA. That’s why in a clothing store in New Jersey by people dressed as followers.

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