Purple veins on the penis: why do they appear? They are normal?

by time news

Talking about the health of the sexual organs of men and women is not so common. For this reason, doubts often arise that we do not dare to express, such as: Why do I have purple veins on my penis? Discover why they appear and if they are normal.

Veins are conduits responsible for carrying blood from all organs to the heart, therefore, they run through practically our entire body, including the penis.

according to Manual MSD, there are different types of veins: superficial, located in the layer of fat located under the skin, and deep, located in the muscles and along the bones. Both are connected through the perforating veins.

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Is it normal to see veins on my penis?

He penis also has veins. According to specialists, the venous pattern of this organ is unique in each person; in some cases they may be crooked and prominent, while for others they are barely noticeable.

Sometimes these veins can also look blue or almost purple, especially when the penis is erect, as blood pools. Of course, if there is pain, discomfort or another warning sign, it is important to consult your doctor.

What problems can occur in the veins of the penis?

Like veins in other parts of the body, some disorders can occur in the veins that run through the penis and testicles. Among these, the ones that are most often talked about are varicoceles, which can influence the production and quality of sperm, and the thrombosis of thea dorsal penile vein.

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Varicocele: what it is and how to identify it

Varicocele is the enlargement of the veins inside the scrotum.. Somehow, Mayo Clinic specialistsexplain that it is similar to a varicose vein in the legs, a problem that usually manifests itself over time and often does not need treatment.

Although it is not known exactly what produces it, experts point out that it could be formed when the valves inside the veins of the spermatic cord prevent proper blood flow causing the veins to dilate due to the accumulation of blood.

Many times, this condition does not produce symptoms. However, sometimes it can cause pain, between acute and mild discomfort, which increases when standing or making physical efforts, worsens during the day or decreases when lying on your back… it can even impair your fertility.

In fact, varicocele has been considered a frequent cause of low production and low sperm quality, causing sterility. It can also cause the testicles to not develop normally or shrink.

If you have pain, swelling, or a lump in your scrotum, notice that your testicles are a different size, or are having trouble conceiving, see your doctor to rule out this or other conditions.

Fortunately, most of the time no treatment is needed, otherwise you might require surgery to repair it.

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What is thrombosis of the dorsal penile vein?

Thrombosis of the dorsal penile vein, also called Mondor’s phlebitis, is a superficial vein thrombophlebitis. It is considered a benign genital disorder and little recognized that affects sexually active men of any age.

An article published in the Basic and Clinical Andrologypoints out that among the causes of this disease are the sexual intercourse frequent, severe and prolonged, penile trauma, prolonged sexual abstinence, local infections, history of sexually transmitted disease, thrombophilia, reappearance of inguinal hernia, tendency to thrombosis, among others.

As with a varicocele, it can present without symptoms. But in those who manifest them, there may be a rope-like hardness on the dorsum of the penis, episodic or continuous pain and throbbing, and even edema of the penile skin. Also, pain may increase during erection.

If you present these or other discomfort in the penis, consult your doctor. Some people can recover without medical treatment in a few weeks, but it will depend on the severity of the condition. Sometimes medications or surgery are required.

Remember that any change in the appearance or sensation of the penis and testicles, it should be checked by a doctor to rule out a larger problem. If you notice that the veins of your penis turn purple and are accompanied by pain, check yourself.

The same if you notice bruises without remembering to injure yourself, blood in the urine, pain when urinating or having sex, among other warning signs.

If you want to know more about this organ called the penis, we invite you to watch the following video:

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