Push for Caste-Wise Census in India: Demands, Challenges, and Implications

by time news

Caste-wise census demand grows ahead of 2024 elections

Opposition parties in India are pushing for a caste-wise enumeration as the 2024 parliamentary elections approach. The demand for a caste-wise census has gained momentum, with several prominent politicians advocating for it. Congress President Rahul Gandhi raised the issue during a campaign in Karnataka, questioning the government on the number of backward people, Dalits, and tribals in the country.

A caste-wise census has not been conducted in India for the last 92 years, while a census of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is conducted every decade. The lack of a caste-wise survey is seen as hampering the formulation and implementation of schemes for the backward population.

Political leaders from various states, including Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Bihar, have also called for a caste-wise census. They argue that proper data is necessary to ensure the welfare and representation of backward communities.

Tamil Nadu’s DMK party has taken the demand for a caste-wise enumeration to the national level. DMK Member of Parliament Wilson introduced a bill in the Rajya Sabha, calling for states to be empowered to conduct the census and convert it into a public list. The bill highlights the importance of a systematic caste-wise census to formulate effective policies for the upliftment of backward communities.

The data from the last nationwide Socio Economic Caste Census conducted in 2011 has not been released. Congress MP Manikam Tagore claims the data could not be published at that time due to political reasons, and is now urging the BJP government to release it. The refusal to release the data has sparked further calls for a new caste-wise census or empowerment of states to conduct it.

The demand for a caste-wise census intensified after the central BJP government introduced 10% reservation for economically weaker non-reserved castes. Critics argue that a caste-wise census is necessary to rectify the unequal distribution of reservation benefits and to ensure social justice.

However, some experts and analysts believe a caste-wise census is not needed at present. They argue that it should have been conducted earlier, and that there are thousands of castes in India, making comprehensive enumeration challenging.

The issue of a caste-wise census is expected to remain a topic of contention as the 2024 elections draw closer. Various political parties will continue to advocate for their positions on the matter.

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