Putin and the long table. Macron feared the theft of his DNA, a tampon refused

by time news

Putin and the long table. The fear of giving DNA to the Russian secret services

The mystery of the long table al Kremlinthe one that became famous on the occasion of the visits to Russia a Putinbefore Macron and then of Scholz to deal with the question of war in Ukraine. Arrived at fly at a distance of one week from each other – we read in the Corriere della Sera – the leaders of France e Germany they both have refused to take the molecular test for Covid offered by the Kremlin medical services. But since it was essential to see the Russian president, the French president and the German chancellor underwent a PCR performed by the doctors of their respective embassies, with devices brought from their respective countries.

The reason for the refusal – continues the Courier – is that Macron e Scholz they didn’t want the Russians to get hold of theirs dna. Florian Schimikowski, historian of the German Espionage Museum reveals why. “THE data have become valuable commodity and the genetic traces are certainly the most sensitive and personal ones. A real gold mine for the secret services, even if only for future reference. “It is a fact that many intelligence have always been interested in biometric data of people. The case of the Russia it is not isolated, secret dossiers reveal unpublished background also relating to United States. Hillary Clintonwhen she was secretary of state, she asked to obtain any details, DNA included, of African heads of state visiting the White House.


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