Putin faces war crimes charges

by time news

2023-04-20 20:11:00

The Duma, the Russian parliament, passed a law that punishes even five years in prison for those who cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC)which issued an arrest warrant on March 17 against Vladimir Putin for “war crimes”. At the same time, the Kremlin canceled the commemorations of two emblematic dates in official history: that of the proletariat, on May 1, and the triumph against Nazism, on May 9.

The statement to revoke these acts is based on “elevated terrorist threats, including in regions far from the special military operation”, disguised as the Russian Federation’s attack on Ukraine, which violates its borders recognized by the United Nations. This is how the UN General Assembly in New York understood it when it separated Russia from the UN Human Rights Council last year.

Said Council, condemned Moscow this month in Geneva for its invasion of Ukraine. Of the eight Latin American countries that voted, none did so against it, there were 5 in favor (Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Mexico), and three abstentions (Cuba, Honduras and Bolivia).

Vladimir Putin and Volodimir Zelensky visited their troops on the front lines

The opposition’s hypothesis is that the measure to undo the demonstrations would be to prevent eventual protests by those who attend the parades with photos of their relatives killed in the clashes, due to the news coming from the war front.

Also keep silent under implicit threats of reprisals 60% of those who take to the streets taking advantage of the traditional May festivities, currently unknown in opinion polls. The remaining 40% is divided between 20% being favorable to Putin, and the other 20% adverse.

On April 11, the Russian authorities published the new regulations to comply with the obligations of the call-up of 147,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 27 to join the armed forces, canceling the calls up to now sent by mail, replacing them with electronic ones. , defining them impossible for the recipient to pretend to ignore them.

The penalties are drastic: prohibition to leave the country, buy or sell goods, apply for credit, issuance of identity documents, driving licenses, or register companies.

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Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council, stated that Putin’s arrest would amount to a “declaration of war” and recommended retaliating by bombing the ICC headquarters in The Hague. President Putin plans to travel to Durban next August to attend a BRICS (Russia, India, Brazil, China and South Africa) meeting.

Because he signed the ICC Statute in 2000, Pretoria should then arrest him and extradite him to The Hague. The crimes imputed to Vladimir Putin by the ICC extend to his collaborator Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, “commissioner” for children’s rights in Russia.

Both are accused of illegal “deportation” and “transfer” of kidnapped children in Ukrainethen secretly taken to Russia, behaviors prohibited by the International Humanitarian Law Conventions under the control of the International Red Cross in Geneva, which protect the wounded, prisoners and civilian populations during armed conflicts, ratified by Russia.

Vladimir Putin

The Euronews television channel revealed that the number of these minors would amount to 150 thousand. The prosecution of international justice against Putin and Lvova-Belova was decided by an ICC body made up of three magistrates: the Italian Rosario Salvatore Aitala, the Japanese Tomoko Akane, and Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godínez, from Costa Rica.

The reasons for the massive illegal appropriation of minors perpetrated by Russia in Ukraine would be due to alleviating a deficit demography: low life expectancy, a State of 143 million inhabitants, with an economy dependent on hydrocarbons and weaker than that of Italy, populated of 58,800,000 people. However, Russia is a country endowed with 5,977 nuclear warheads.

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Between now and the South African BRICS summit, the signs may have evolved for a peace plan to end Russian aggression in Ukraine. In its own way, China is struggling for it. Without condemning the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, and considering frozen the 16% of Ukrainian territory usurped by Russia as a result of the appropriation by military force, Beijing has published 12 points, likely to constitute a basis for negotiation: respect for sovereignty , end of the logic of the blocs, cessation of hostilities, talks between the belligerents, humanitarian crisis, protection of civilians and prisoners, nuclear security, prevention of a nuclear escalation, cereals, end of sanctions, economic stability, and reconstruction, but not there is still an agreed agenda with a view to advancing towards bilateral discussions.

The BRICS countries today represent 40% of the world population and a quarter of the Gross Domestic Product of the planet, whose rise over Western countries would reach 50% in 2030. They have created the New Development Bank, directed by the former President of Brazil, Dilma Roussef. China has become Brazil’s main world partner. In 2022, China imported 90 billion dollars of Brazilian products, and exported 60 billion dollars of its own.

Some 15 new agreements for 10 billion dollars have been signed in the recent visit of President Lula to China. During this visit, the Brazilian president took the opportunity to put some ideas to work that could integrate an eventual peace plan, electrifying the debate.

He said that “the United States must stop encouraging war and start talking about peace. The European Union must start talking about peace so that we can convince Putin and Zelensky that peace is in the interest of the whole world”, a formula that would attribute the willingness to continue the war to Western countries, an assertion that these countries obviously reject.

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To inflame the debate even more, before landing in Shanghai, Lula announced that “Putin cannot continue advancing the occupation of Ukraine in the name of peace» and that Volodymyr Zelensky, «has to give up Crimea… he can’t want everything». Perhaps Lula should have discussed these issues with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, during her visit this week to Brasilia, part of a tour that includes Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

The Ukrainian President has expressed his desire to talk with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping about his 12 points and Beijing would be willing. For his part, Zelensky has his own ten points to achieve peace, some similar at least in their formulation to those of Xi Jinping: food, radiological, nuclear and energy security, release of deported prisoners, implementation of the UN Charter. , withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities, justice, ecocide and protection of the environment, prevention of escalation, and confirmation of the end of the war. The debate seems served.

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