Putin in Mariupol, mobilization against pensions and victory full of promise

by time news

Come hang up the wagons of the news with us thanks to this five-point recap of the last forty-eight hours…

1. Putin “like a thief”

Vladimir Poutine surprised his world, by going this weekend to Mariupol, the port city of the south of Ukraine devastated by the bombings and become the symbol of the resistance against the invasion of the country. Arrived by helicopter, he toured the city at the wheel of a car, according to the Kremlin.

According to images broadcast by Russian television, the president was shown the street lights and spoke with residents. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, the head of state came “like a thief”. The night allows him to focus on what he wants to show, and keeps the city his army totally destroyed and its few surviving inhabitants safe from prying eyes,” the ministry said on Twitter.

With you. Our reporter Diane Regny left this Sunday for a week of reporting in Ukraine. Ask her your questions which she will answer from kyiv.

2. Waiting for Motions

On the eve of a decisive day with the debate on the motions of censure, the figures of the majority have multiplied the speeches to defend the unpopular pension reform and the use of 49.3. But the opposition to the project has also been heard and in the street, anger continues to rumble. Up to 4,200 people, for example, demonstrated in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, which was the scene of clashes with the police in the evening. Offices of parliamentarians who planned not to vote on a motion were also degraded during the weekend, in particular that of Eric Ciotti, who was moved by it on Twitter.

3. Banking negotiations in Switzerland

Will UBS buy its runner-up, Credit Suisse? This is apparently the wish of the Swiss authorities who would like the largest Swiss bank to buy by the reopening of the markets, Monday morning, its competitor in full turmoil. According to the Financial Times, UBS would indeed have made an offer, but up to a billion dollars, far from the estimated value of the bank. On the side of the 17,000 employees of Credit Suisse, fear dominates. A union of employees demands to be associated with the negotiations surrounding the takeover of the bank in difficulty. But the speed with which the authorities want to complete the takeover leaves little hope for this scenario.

4. Pink tide in Nantes

New record ! More than 16,000 people joined together this Sunday in Nantes to kick off the solidarity race against breast cancer Odysséa. Registrants, recognizable by their pink t-shirts, could participate in timed events ranging from 5 to 10 km. According to the race director, it is not uncommon for women affected by cancer or having fought it to decide at all costs to put on their sneakers that day. “In this great adventure that is Odysséa, everyone comes to live their own,” explains Anne Bergougnoux. Our journalist Julie Urbach makes you experience this event from the inside.

5. The XV of France feasts

He will not win his second Six Nations Tournament in a row, losing behind an untouchable Ireland. But by winning a second convincing success in a row against Wales (41-28), the XV of France confirmed the impression of power given a week earlier during the historic success at Twickenham. “We are definitely the team to beat,” commented Galthié. We have an impressive win ratio, a defeat in four years at the Stade de France, against Scotland when the match was won (23-27 in 2021). I hope the other teams fear us. » See you in September for the preparation of the World Cup.

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