Putin is playing the game to get out of international isolation – time.news

by time news
from Guido Santevecchi

The summit between Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa will tomorrow give the Tsar the opportunity to escape the definition of a world pariah. The five countries represent 40 percent of the world’s population and 23 percent of its global GDP

How isolated Vladimir Putin? The Brics Summit (the lucky acronym stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) to give the Tsar a chance tomorrow to escape the definition of a world pariah, appearing at a large international meeting for the first time since the invasion of Ukraine. Of course, it will only be virtual face to face between Putin, Chinese friend Xi Jinping, Brazilian Jair Bolsonaro, Indian Narendra Modi and South African Cyril Ramaphosa: the current president and host Xi since the coronavirus exploded in January 2020 avoids shaking hands with foreigners and lends itself only to videoconferencing. But that of the BRICS can claim an important weight: the five countries represent 40 percent of the world’s population and 23 percent of its global GDP.

Certainly the protagonists they will claim the right to be heard more in globalized governance. Beijing propaganda has already begun to praise the summit chaired by Xi, the fourteenth in the history of the BRICS, which when they first met they were the big emerging countries (now China has climbed to the second highest step of the world economy; Russia is notable only for its dream of regaining imperial land; India, Brazil and South Africa remain eternal unfulfilled promises).

The goal of injecting positive energy into the world plagued by turmoil and challenges, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced when presenting the event. The People’s Daily recalled that multilateralist Xi works with determination to broaden the field, constituting a Brics Plus open to other countries in the South of the world. There have been contacts with Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and others. The Communist general secretary would like to do the great federator of emerging markets. Riding on the theme of the food crisis (also triggered by the war in Ukraine), the Chinese argue that the united BRICS could solve the problem of world hunger.

Il Global TimesBeijing’s National Communist newspaper, shoots that China-led BRICS will bring fresh air against cliques and closed circles like the Western G7. It won’t be that simple. First of all, the great rivalry between China and India always hovers within the BRICS (last firefight on the Himalayan border in June 2020 with dozens of deaths). And then, the Ukrainian crisis has created further tactical divisions: of the 14 countries that agreed to discuss Xi Jinping’s Brics Plus idea, seven sided with the UN in the field that condemned the invasion unleashed by Putin, six abstained and only one voted against (Russia ).

In short, for Vladimir Putin the virtual BRICS meeting certainly a limelight, but not a redemption from international isolation. Furthermore, Xi Jinping looks to China’s strategic interest when he proposes to strengthen e broaden the BRICS movement, to offset the weight of the United States. Putin does not have the (economic) strength to propose an alternative plan and can only be grateful to his friend Xi who associates him as a supporting actor in a project. The Russian leader has no other space: the G7, which meets between 26 and 28 June, expelled Russia as early as 2014 for the annexation of Crimea.

June 22, 2022 (change June 22, 2022 | 11:51 am)

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