Putin outlaws sex change in Russia

by time news

2023-07-25 11:42:12

Updated Tuesday, July 25, 2023 – 11:42

Bans adoption and annuls marriages of all those who have changed gender in official documents

A police officer talks to an activist with a rainbow flag in St. Petersburg in 2015. DMITRY LOVETSKYAP

Russia has outlawed sex change. The Russian President, Vladimir Putinsigned on Monday the law that prohibits operations related to the transition transgender and denies the adoption or even custody to all those who have changed the gender marker in official documents. The transsexual groups fear that the repression will increase and they will only have as a way out go into exile.

On July 14 the Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, approved in its third and last reading this law that prohibits gender transition. The text was approved by unanimity and last Friday he received the approval of the upper house. The country has witnessed a multiplication of measures conservative since the offensive in Ukraine.

The law includes the transition surgery ban and restricts the hormone. The bill was amended to prohibit adopting children people who have changed their gender marker on official documents. They also decided to stipulate that the marriages in which a member has changed their gender markers would be annulled. Russian Deputy Health Minister Oleg Salagai said the government will cancel its statutes regulating gender transition, reports TASS. I also know ban hormone therapy.

He Center-T is one of the main collective of trans people in Russia. Throughout the country, the trans collective has reacted, explains to EL MUNDO Yan Dvorkin, director of this entity, “with a great level of anxiety and panic“. Personally, Yan experiences it “as a very scary and difficult”. Russia has been living since 2013 a drift ultraconservative. First was the outlawing of LGBT propaganda. Then a 2020 constitutional reform introduced into Russia the concept that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. exclusively. Vladimir Putin promised that as long as he is president, there will be no gay marriage in Russia.

The new law also prohibits changing the gender in official documentswhich was allowed since 1997although the interested was not required to undergo an operation to be able to introduce that modification.

Between 2018 and last year, more than 2,700 Russians have changed their sex on their documentswhich led to almost 200 marriages, reports Efe. Maxim, a transsexual who works with Centro T, now has “plans to emigrate to Spain” because “Russia is degrading.”

This new law was introduced in the State Duma at the end of May. The deputies believe that the new legal norm “save Russia for the posteritywith their cultural and family values, patterns traditionalputting up a barrier against the irruption of the of occidental ideologues against the family.” Some lawmakers argued that several young men were using sex change to avoid mandatory military service.

One of the main parties responsible for drafting the document is the legislator Peter Tolstoy, co-author of the project. He himself maintained that Russia must be “protected with its values, cultural and family traditions, and stop the infiltration of Western ideology against the family.” The legislator took the opportunity to refer to the ukrainian war: “I want our guys, who are currently defending the honor of Russia at the cost of their lives, to be able to return and see what the country is like, that his sacrifice was not in vain“.

The 2013 rule prohibits any reference in the public space to “sexual relations non-traditional“, and it was hardened last year to cover almost all public spaces and all age groups.

This time the Duma also adopted a resolution with recommendations to the Russian government to recognize “the disorders of sexual preference, including transsexualism, cross-dressing and pedophilia, as a disease.” The T Center issued a statement calling not to give up: “The darkest hour is always before dawn. It is impossible for this cannibalism to continue forever.”

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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