| Putin to break, the world in fear of the third world war

by time news

Moscow: President Vladimir Putin has warned Western countries that they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons if they threaten Russia’s sovereignty in the Ukraine war. Putin approved a referendum plan to annex Ukraine’s war-torn territories to Russia. He also signed an order to deploy 300,000 more reservists in the face of Russian military setbacks in Ukraine.

This is Russia’s largest military campaign since the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany in World War II.

In terms of nuclear weapons, Russia, the successor of the Soviet Union, has the ability to surpass even the US, so Putin’s challenge is viewed with concern by the international community. U.S. By openly challenging the leading NATO alliance, experts say Russia is taking the first step towards World War III. The only policy followed by Western countries is to provide indirect support to Ukraine in the war with Russia.

In a televised address to the nation, Putin made it clear that if territorial sovereignty is threatened, he will undoubtedly use all possible means to protect Russia’s interests. He accused the West of using nuclear weapons to destroy Russia and this is nuclear blackmail. The US, Britain and the European Union are encouraging Ukraine to fight against Russia. The West has crossed every line in its aggressive anti-Russian policy. Those who try to scare us with nuclear weapons should understand that it will backfire on them – Putin said.

It is estimated that Putin came forward with a tougher stance, including the threat of nuclear weapons, in a situation where the Russian army has suffered a heavy defeat in northeastern Ukraine and his leadership has been questioned.

Putin signed an order to send reserve troops to Ukraine as part of an escalation of the war. It pointed out that the Russian army is resisting the complete military buildup of Western countries in Ukraine. Speaking after Putin, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made it clear that more than 300,000 troops will be deployed to Ukraine.

Ukraine rejected the referendum

Putin announced his full support for the upcoming referendum in Donetsk and Luhansk municipalities in Ukraine, which is about the size of Hungary and is controlled by Russia.

Russian officials were deployed in Kherson and Zaporizhia regions for the referendum. Putin made it clear that the future of these provinces will be determined by the majority of their people.

Even before sending troops to Ukraine, Russia considered Donetsk and Luhansk provinces to be independent republics. Putin’s move is to officially annex 15 percent of Ukraine’s territory to Russia through a referendum.

The position of Ukraine and Western countries is that they will not accept the referendum announced by Russia. French President Emmanuel Macron responded that the Russian move was a joke.

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