“Putin wants all of Europe”. “Italy is also the target of the Russian atomic bomb”

by time news

Fear of Russian atomic plans

“The Russian aggression was not to be limited only to Ukraine, to the destruction of our freedom and our lives. The whole of Europe is a target for Russia”, so Zelensky in a video posted on social media.

The news released this week is therefore topical. The feeling is that Putin want to give a clear signal all’Occidente and that he is no longer willing to negotiate. In confirmation of this – we read in Libero – come the words of a ex mistro of Foreign Affairs russo, which is now in charge of disarmament. It is one of the largest experts of proliferation nuclear of the world.

“Having hit – explains Sokov and brings him back Libero – not so much the men of the Services but also the men oligarchs was a gift to Putin. People hate them and even the Tsar doesn’t like them. But now the sanctions will bring the oligarchs back to invest in Village, provoking the Russian president even more. We are in perfect storm, Putin is increasingly enveloped by the syndrome of Peter the Great and this can lead him to crush the button from the atomic bomb. Just the idea that Biden do you think regime change can lead to any reaction. And among the atomic targets there is also one in Italy: this is the US base of Aviano“.

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