Putin’s next step: destroying power plants and disconnecting critical infrastructure systems in the winter

by time news

Russian missile strikes have left hundreds of thousands of residents in Ukraine without electricity and water, and reporters in various cities are reporting that the residents of Ukraine are entering a cold and dark winter.

President Zelensky said yesterday (Tuesday) that about a third of the power plants in Ukraine are destroyed, there are blackouts on a large scale, “and there is no longer any room for negotiations with the Putin regime”.

The destruction of Ukraine’s sources of electricity, power and water, lighting and heating is probably the next, current stage in the war, which is entering its eighth month. The cruise missile and rocket attacks are intensifying, and yesterday the victim was the city of Zhytomyr, a quarter of a million inhabitants, many military camps and industries, 140 km from Kiev.

The electricity in the city’s hospitals was cut off and emergency time generators were activated after cruise missiles hit the city. In the capital, Kiev, 50,000 residents were left without electricity, and in the city of Dnipro, the electricity supply was also cut off due to damage to the central power plant. The city of Mykolaiv was attacked by GNA missiles S 300, while in the city of Kharkiv several industrial plants were destroyed by eight large rockets launched from Russian territory across the border.

The Kyiv authorities came back and announced that the Russians had received thousands of anti-tank missiles from Iran, and Tselem AP Took a picture of some such tools.

In Russia, the number of people killed in the crash of a Sukhoi bomber has risen to 13 They are-34 in the port city YESSK when one of its engines caught fire. Both pilots bailed out and landed safely, but the plane crashed into a residential building and tons of fuel caused huge fires.

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