Putin’s speech: an escalation to nuclear armament?

by time news

This Tuesday, February 21, Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly of Russia. In a speech evoking the international situation, he denounced the role of Westerners in the stalemate of the Russian-Ukrainian war. In his eyes, this conflict would be a pretext for “end” with Russia. An accusation made while Joe Biden is currently on an official trip to Poland to reaffirm American support for Ukraine. The Head of the Kremlin announced to withdraw from the nuclear disarmament agreement New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty – Treaty on the reduction of strategic arms) signed in 2010 with the United States.

What are the reasons that led Russia to go to war against Ukraine? According to the Russian President, “a year ago, to defend the inhabitants of our historical regions, to eliminate the threat of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, the decision was taken to conduct a military operation “. “We will achieve our goals”he added.

The “Hostage Taking” of the West

Vladimir Putin accuses Westerners of wanting to destroy his country, held responsible for the military escalation. “The Western elites do not hide their objective of inflicting, as they say, a ‘strategic defeat on Russia’ (…) They intend to transform a local conflict into a global confrontation (…). We will react accordingly”.

“Everything possible to solve this problem peacefully, to negotiate a solution in order to get out of this difficult conflict” has been done, assures the head of the Kremlin. According to the latter, the “Western masters of the kyiv regime” would have “held hostage the Ukrainian people”.

The Russian President, who believes “impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield”denounces “increasingly aggressive information warfare” against his country.

Towards an escalation in nuclear armament?

After considering that the conflict must continue “methodically”Vladimir Putin announced that Russia is suspending its participation in the New Treaty START.

This agreement was aimed at accelerating mutual nuclear disarmament between the US and Russian powers. Coming into force in 2011 for a period of ten years, it has been extended until 2026.

“Russia does not withdraw from the treaty”, specifies the Head of the Kremlin who nevertheless calls on the authorities to stand “ready for nuclear weapons testing” in case the United States decides to carry it out first.

Across the Atlantic, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor of the White House evokes “the absurdity in the idea that Russia is under some form of military threat from Ukraine or anyone else”with regard to the risk of recourse to the atom.

On the side of China

On the geopolitical scene, this potential escalation to nuclear armament worries China. Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang says the conflict in Ukraine “escalates and even gets out of control”.

He calls to “promoting dialogue” and indicates that his country will continue “to work with the international community to (…) address the concerns of all parties and seek common security”added the Chinese official during a conference in Beijing.

On the side of France

In a statement, Anne-Claire Legendre, the spokesperson for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Russia to “show responsibility and return to his suspension announcement as soon as possible” to its participation in the Russian-American treaty New START on nuclear. Paris “recalls that the New Start treaty constitutes an essential instrument of the international architecture of nuclear arms control and strategic stability”.

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