QR code verification will be limited to the official anti-fake app

by time news

The ministry may restrict the verification of QR codes by the application “State services. Stopcoronavirus”. The head of the department, Maksut Shadayev, explained this by the large number of phishing sites that generate fake codes.

“Most likely, given the fact that we now have a larger number of phishing sites that generate fake QR codes, we are now considering the possibility of limiting the reading of QR codes only by our application. It won’t be like it used to be when you just watched from the camera, ”said Mr. Shadayev at the coordination center of the Russian government (quoted by TASS).

On November 12, the government submitted to the State Duma bills on QR codes in public places, aviation and railway transport. It is assumed that at first it will be allowed to visit public places and travel on trains and planes using a negative PCR test. The State Duma will consider proposals for bills in December.

About the discussion in the State Duma – in the material “b” “The code protects the month.”