Quang Nam: sluggish disbursement of National Target Program capital | Finance

by time news

2023-11-10 04:13:52

Many projects are likely to have to return capital to the Central Government due to failure to meet schedule. (Photo: Quang Nam Newspaper)

In the period 2021-2025, Quang Nam province has 70 communes with special difficulties with 230 villages benefiting from the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development of Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas.

Quang Nam has developed a project and submitted it to the National Assembly’s Ethnic Committee for approval with a total capital of more than 3,000 billion VND, of which the Central source is more than 2,000 billion VND. However, disbursement of capital to date is considered too slow.

From 2022 to early 2023, Quang Nam will begin to be allocated capital of over 1,200 billion VND, of which investment capital is over 600 billion VND, non-business capital is nearly 600 billion VND, including central sources and local counterpart.

The allocated capital is quite large for the mountainous localities of the province, but the localities implement it too slowly or cannot do it. Many projects face having to return capital to the Central Government due to failure to meet schedule.

For the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction, the total capital plan from the central budget and provincial budget implemented in the province in 2022 and 2023 is more than 1,148 billion VND.

As of September 30, disbursed career capital reached 23.4%, disbursed investment capital reached 31% of the capital plan.

According to the review of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the province, in October 2023, for departments and branches, of the total allocated capital in 2023, the units committed to disbursement until December 31, 2023. more than 46.6 billion VND, request to transfer, pay back/cancel the estimate of more than 8.2 billion VND.

For districts, towns and cities, it has been proposed to pay back and transfer capital plans that are unable to disburse more than 71.7 billion VND.

There are many reasons why capital is difficult to use in some projects and subprojects. (Illustration photo: Quang Nam Newspaper)

Ms. Truong Thi Loc, Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Quang Nam province, said that many inspections by the province, departments, branches and localities have focused on well implementing the national general poverty reduction policy. according to regulations of the Government and Prime Minister such as preferential credit policies, vocational training, labor export, health care, education, housing, legal aid…

However, capital is difficult to use in some projects and subprojects of the program for many different reasons. As in 2022, the Central Government has not yet allocated capital to implement Sub-Project 2-Project 3 on improving nutrition and Project 5 on supporting poor and near-poor households in poor districts to build and repair houses. . Therefore, leading to 2023, large amounts of capital are accumulated, making it difficult to use them all.

Some implementation contents of projects and sub-projects under the program require surveying, evaluation, and soliciting suggestions from local authorities, establishments, and people, so it takes a lot of time and effort.

For some projects, the Central Government is slow to issue Circulars guiding implementation, which has affected the development of principles, criteria, capital allocation norms, and the direction and organization of Program implementation in the province and allocate capital for implementation of related subprojects.

[Quốc hội: Không đánh đổi ưu tiên giải ngân nguồn vốn bằng mọi giá]

In particular, the capital source for Project 2 on diversifying livelihoods and developing a poverty reduction model to invest in the model Poverty Reductionthe production method following the community-based production support model in some mountainous localities has not disbursed any money from the total capital allocated in 2023.

Nam Giang mountainous district is a typical example. In the two years 2022-2023, the district will be allocated more than 10 billion VND by the province to implement poverty reduction support projects. However, up to now, sectors and local authorities have only held meetings to evaluate models, assigning localities to complete initial documentation procedures…; The responsibilities of agencies and units have not been fully and specifically defined. Therefore, the district Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs cannot disburse funds.

There are many projects and sub-projects at the grassroots level that cannot be implemented due to lack of guidance from central ministries and branches, so localities do not dare to implement them for… fear of making mistakes.

Illustration. (Photo: Vietnam+)

Mr. Ho Xuan Khanh, Chief of the Provincial Poverty Reduction Program Coordination Office Quang Nam said that for projects supporting production development, the Ministry of Planning and Investment has not yet issued documents guiding the implementation of Decree No. 38/2023/ND-CP, especially the content of bidding for procurement of materials, goods and equipment to implement projects to support production development (linking along the value chain and community) under the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction, in the case of the leading link being the cooperatives, unions of cooperatives and representatives of residential communities. That’s why local work is very confusing and difficult to do.

In both the Sustainable Poverty Reduction and Regional Socio-Economic Development Programs Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Peoplesub-projects and projects on vocational education and employment in 2022 have not been implemented.

The year 2023 combines the resources of both years, especially the non-business funding allocated to localities, so most localities will not be able to fully disburse this funding source in 2023.

Accompanying localities in implementing National Target Programs, departments, branches and the Provincial People’s Committee are aggressively following the grassroots, urging the simultaneous implementation of many solutions.

Quang Nam also proposed that the National Assembly consider making adjustments to suit the actual situation.

Mr. Tran Anh Tuan, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for National Target Programs of Quang Nam province, said that there are still many difficulties when implementing 3 National Target Programs at the same time.

The allocated budget for implementation is very large, so the workload is overloaded due to limited human resources, and some places do not meet the requirements.

Departments, branches, associations, and unions of the province are responsible for reporting in detail the allocated and disbursed capital plans, related problems and problems, disbursement plans in the near future and proposed transfers. The capital plan is not capable of disbursement to the Provincial People’s Committee for each National Target Program.

The disbursement is slow, in addition to objective reasons, there are also subjective reasons such as the implementation direction of some units is still slow and does not meet the requirements, appraisal work does not ensure the prescribed time.

Funds are only transferred when force majeure occurs, where disbursement has not yet been made to places or projects, departments and localities must complete project approval documents and procedures to ensure the basis for allocating the full plan. Plan the remaining capital according to regulations…/.

Tran Tinh (VNA/Vietnam+)

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