Quatennens case: Autain would like a common “charter” for Nupes

by time news

Clémentine Autain wants the left-wing alliance Nupes to adopt a “charter” allowing it to improve its response to cases of sexual and gender-based violence within it, said MP LFI on Sunday, commenting on the case of her colleague Adrien Quatennens.

“It’s complicated to have a political response that is refined, because the #metoo movement is recent, and I believe that our political movements have not worked hard enough to have a fair, proportionate, graduated response that meets to the range of situations in which we can find ourselves, ”explained the elected representative of La France insoumise to the Grand Jury RTL – Le Figaro – LCI.

The silence of Jean-Luc Mélenchon

She said she wanted the establishment of a “Nupes working group” – the electoral alliance of LFI, PS, EELV and PCF – with a view to a “charter based on principles”.

After the new accusations brought on Wednesday by his wife Céline Quatennens, evoking “physical and psychological violence” exerted for “several years”, several political leaders, including in the left alliance Nupes, consider that the return to the hemicycle of the member of the North, withdrawn since the first revelations of the affair in September, is impossible.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who in September initially expressed his support for his foal Adrien Quatennens, has not yet spoken since the new accusations.

“I extend my hand to Céline Quatennens (…) we are available to hear and welcome this word”, reiterated Clémentine Autain, for whom it is “out of the question that the feminist principles which guide our movement are set aside because that it is one of ours”.

According to the MP, “Rebellious France has taken high-level sanctions” against Adrien Quatennens, citing the withdrawal since September of the latter from his functions as coordinator of LFI as well as from parliamentary work.

“The major problem” of violence against women, “is how we enforce the law”, she insisted, deploring a lack of budgetary investment from the government.

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