Quirinale, Mattarella at the congratulations ceremony with diplomats: “For me it is also an opportunity to say goodbye”

by time news

The President of the Republic awaits the political speech to the high offices of the state on the agenda on Monday in the afternoon Sergio Mattarella he greeted the diplomats at the Quirinale, retracing his path over these seven years. “We can only be saved by acting all together”He said in a passage of his speech. A consideration, he specified, “mentioned several times in our meetings, well before the advent of the pandemic”. The reality of our days “allows us to understand that exclusively national approaches do not have exclusively national approaches in every sphere of international relations hope of success“, He underlined speaking of the pandemic. The hope “is for a 2022 that will allow our peoples to treasure the lessons we have learned in these two years, for a better future”

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