Quitting smoking: a healthy and feasible goal

by time news

2023-12-19 19:09:25

The New Year is a time of renewal and resolutions. Many people take advantage of this time to set goals for themselves. improve your health, well-being or life in general. One of the most common resolutions around the world is to quit smoking.



Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Quit smoking on New Year’s

There are several reasons why quitting smoking on New Year’s can be a good time. First of all, It is a time of new beginnings and motivation. Many people feel inspired to make positive changes in their lives at the beginning of a new year.

Second, the beginning of a new year can provide a clear starting point. It is easy set a start date to quit smoking and make a plan to achieve it.

How to quit smoking without relapses?

There is no single formula to quit smoking. What works for one person may not work for another. However, There are some general tips that can help. people to increase their chances of success:

Make the decision to quit smoking. It is important to be committed to the decision to quit smoking. Set a start date. This will give you a clear goal to work towards. And that it coincides with the beginning of the year is an extra motivation. Talk to a professional. Professionals can offer you advice and support. It doesn’t matter if you prefer to talk to your GP, a psychologist or a holistic therapist, someone who will listen to you and who can support you in the process will be of great help.Use a support program. There are many programs available, such as support groups, phone apps, and online programs. For a fairly affordable price you can even get a personalized program that guides you through the process for several weeks. Avoid triggers. Triggers are situations or events that make you want to smoke. Identify your triggers and avoid them to avoid relapse.

The importance of a personalized program

A personalized program can help people quit smoking more successfully. A personalized program is tailored to each person’s individual needs and circumstances. Not all of us have the same habits or react the same to the same problems. Even the anxiety you may feel during the weaning process is not the same for you as it is for others.

A customized program may include:

An action plan that fits your needs. Whether you want to quit overnight or need a period of adaptation, gradually reducing the number of cigarettes, there is a plan that is right for you. Support from a health professional or counselor. Access to additional resources, such as support groups or personalized accompaniment by a coach.

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