Quiz “What’s hiding on the bookshelves”

by time news

On March 6, representatives of disabled organizations of the Prienai district gathered at the Prienai Culture and Leisure Center to test their knowledge of the Lithuanian language and literature.
The education-quiz “What’s hiding on the bookshelves” took place in the form of a board game. A board game that had “traveled” to the floor and had grown significantly (the size of the game mat is 2×2 meters!) invited people to roll the dice and correctly answer questions about names, city names, natural phenomena, pseudonyms of writers, the Lithuanian language, etc. In the game dedicated to the days of the Lithuanian language, the team of the Prienai care home “Nemunas”, the team “Jieznelė” of people with disabilities in Jiezno, the team “Svajoklės” of the Prienai district association for the disabled and two teams of the LASS Prienai branch “Lyra” and “Pavasaris” took part in the game.
Skaidra Grabauskienė, an employee of the Kaunas branch of the Lithuanian Audiosensory Library, an educational designer, with the help of Evelina, an employee of the Prienė Public Health Office, skillfully conducted the quiz. Jūratė Zailskienė, director of the Municipality Administration, congratulated those gathered and expressed her joy at the mutual cooperation of the disabled.
LASS Prienė branch information
Photos of Dale Lazauskienė

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