QUIZ: Would you pass the Norwegian driving theory test?

by time news

Getting a driving licence in Norway requires time, commitment, and, unfortunately, a good chunk of cash. Yes, the process of obtaining a licence in Norway can be rigorous. But it is a big part of why the roads in Norway are considered some of the safest in all of Europe.

Along with meeting the number of required driving hours with a certified instructor, new drivers must also pass practical and written driving exams before getting their license.

Unfortunately, we can’t sit in the passenger seat next to you. But, we can provide a quiz with official driving theory exam questions from Theoritentamenalong with answers and helpful test day information to help you better understand what Statens Vegvesen (The Norwegian Road Administration) expects you to know before getting behind the wheel.

The actual driving theory test is taken on a computer in person at your local Statens Vegvesen centre. It is a multiple-choice exam with four possibilities and only one correct answer.

Before we get to the quiz, you can also take a peek at our citizenship quiz to give your brain a workout and see if you are as Norwegian as a Bunad on May 17th or whether you need to read up on Scandinavian history and culture a bit more.

READ ALSO: Norway has the strictest driving fines in Europe, study shows

Sample Quiz

1. What is the stopping distance?

Answer: The stopping distance in Norway is calculated as the reaction distance added to the braking distance. The braking distance can be twice as long on wet asphalt as on dry asphalt, increasing the total stopping distance.

2. Can mandatory abstinence be applied to professional drivers?

Answer: Yes, if the driver is a professional transport driver of either goods or people.

This means professional drivers must abstain from consuming alcohol or sedatives during their shift and the eight hours leading up to the start of their shift.

3. Can stress affect the way you drive?

Answer: Yes, it can lead to lowered attentiveness.

Anything that can reduce your concentration, including stress, can affect your ability to drive. Other factors include illness, fatigue, alcohol, and anger and irritation.

4. The road you are driving on is reduced from two lanes to one. Who has an obligation to give way?

Answer: No one has the right-of-way; drivers in both lanes must take care to accommodate each other.

When two lanes merge, the traffic rules state that it is up to the driver to take care. So no matter what lane you are in, you should give way.

5. What do yellow markings in the middle of the roadway mean?

Answer: The road has traffic going in both directions.

In Norway, yellow road markings are used to divide traffic lanes with traffic going in opposite directions.

6. What is meant by aquaplaning?

Answer: Water between the tyre and the road causes the tyre to lose traction.

Aquaplaning happens when there is water between the car’s tyres and the surface of the road – the risk of aquaplaning increases when driving at higher speeds. So take care to slow down in wet driving conditions.

7. What are the three parts of the road called?

Answer: The shoulder, the carriageway/roadway, and the traffic lane.

Take note to find out what parts of the road are called as many of the questions on the theory exam have pictures asking you to identify a traffic situation. Or, in this case, certain parts of the road.

8. You are going to turn right onto a priority road. A car coming from the left signals that they are turning into the road you are coming from. Can you rely on their signal?

Answer: No

A driver must always look out for signs from the other driver along with the signals given. Check that they have also reduced their speed and positioned themselves correctly in the lane before turning onto a priority road.

9. Your car’s power steering has suddenly stopped working. What is the correct thing to do?

Answer: You can continue driving as long as your car is roadworthy.

You can still drive if it is considered safe to do so for you and other cars and passengers on the road. Though you should take the car to a repair shop to make the necessary repairs.

10. How can emergency lay-bys in a tunnel be used?

Answer: They must only be used in case of emergency.

11. What kind of lines are the white lines?

Answer: Dividing lines

Take note and make sure you can identify what warning lines, edge lines, and lane lines are well.

12.The three-second rule indicates a minimum driving distance. Greater distances are required when….

Answer: When there are hazardous driving conditions.

The three-second rule is merely a rule of thumb. It would be wise to give the vehicle in front of you a greater distance, especially during the winter months.

13. The traffic rules regarding driving on motorways state that….

Answer: Only vehicles that can drive faster than speeds of 40km/h are permitted to go on the motorway.

Practical information before you show up to take the Norwegian driving theory exam

  • Before you take the theory exam, you have to apply for a driving licence. Look here for the link to apply.
  • The exam consists of 45 questions. You must get at least 85 percent of the answers, or 38 questions, correct to pass. Your test results will be given immediately after taking the test.
  • You have 90 minutes to complete the test.
  • The test costs 680 kroner.
  • To book a slot to take the theory test in Oslo, look here.
  • Remember to take with you a valid ID. Remember that your Norwegian ID card or foreign driving licence is not a valid form of identification for this test. So take your passport instead.
  • If you are applying for the standard “class B” driver licence, then language options for the test include: Norwegian, English, German, Turkish, Sami, and Arabic.

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