Rabbi Benyahu Brunner will be appointed head of the conversion unit • Gafni: ‘He is a photographer in the hall’

by time news

The Minister of Religious Affairs, Matan Kahana, has decided to recommend to the Prime Minister that he appoint a new deputy to head the conversion system – in place of the dismissed head of the system.

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The person who will take up the position is Rabbi Dr. Benyahu Brunner, head of the Court of Appeals and Conversion in courts in Safed and Haifa, a graduate of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva and a kollel judge at Psagot.

Rabbi Brunner, a student of Rabbi Avraham Elkana Kahana Shapira, headed a number of institutions, including the Beit Midrash for boys and the Midrasha for girls at the Safed Academic College.

He was ordained a rabbi and judge by the late Rabbi Eliyahu and the late Rabbi Avraham Elkana Shapira.

Served as a soldier in the Armored Corps and holds a doctorate in biblical studies from the University of Haifa.

Minister Matan Kahana welcomed the appointment of Rabbi Brunner with the blessing of Rabbi Chaim Druckman: The rabbi has been involved for most of his life and in his Torah and academic research in everything related to living among the people of Israel. The rabbi also has rich experience in management and knows how to create a positive interaction with those around him, I wish him much success.

“On this occasion, I also thank Rabbi Moshe Weller for his great contribution to conversion in Israel and for fulfilling his role for three and a half years. Many Israeli residents thank the rabbi for accompanying the conversion process, and I join them.”

The chairman of Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, responded:

“Throughout the years, there has been an agreement between religious Zionism and the ultra-Orthodox not to appoint him despite the pressures of the Tzohar organization, in order to prevent a rift between the ultra-Orthodox and the chief rabbinate under the direction of Torah scholars and religious Zionism.

“The goal of Matan Kahana is to divide the people and stay only with those who do its thing. What they have been claiming all along has now been proven by Matan Kahana and the reality is proven in the eyes of all. The history of the people of Israel will condemn him for his humble deeds. “

On the other hand, the Tzohar organization rejoices at the expected appointment: His pleasant temperament and great knowledge of the field ensure that the conversion is in good hands. “

Last week, the Chief Rabbi, GRD Lau, threatened in a letter he sent to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that if the term of office of the head of the conversion system, Rabbi Moshe Weller, was terminated, he would sign more conversion certificates.

In his letter, the Chief Rabbi writes to Bennett: “The role of the head of the conversion system is to implement the halakhic guidelines of the President of the Great Court. And it is the duty of the head of the formation to ensure that the halakhic guidelines are observed. The termination of the term of office of the person in charge of implementing the halakhic guidelines is to cut off the connection between the conversion system and the Chief Rabbinate, and will result in the severance and removal of the halakhic responsibility for what is done in the conversion system. ”

He added: “I inform you with great sorrow, that if the outline of the conversion is promoted and the term of office of the head of the conversion system is terminated, I will have to remove my responsibility from everything that is done in the conversion system and immediately stop approving the conversion certificates.”

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