Rabbi Druckman’s move against Ayelet Shaked

by time news

Rabbi Druckman in an open letter to the public: The weekend newspapers will publish a letter from Rabbi Haim Druckman, the elder of the religious Zionist rabbis, in which he calls on the public to vote for the ‘religious Zionist’ party. The rabbi justifies his claims by saying that one should not vote for parties that will not definitely pass the threshold, apparently alluding to Ayelet Shaked’s ‘Habit Yehudi’ party.

The full letter:

Rabbi Druckman’s letter Photo: Rabbi Druckman

In the letter the rabbi writes as follows: “The upcoming elections are very fateful for the State of Israel, you must vote and do so only for parties that pass the blocking percentage with absolute certainty”, then the rabbi adds who is willing to vote: “We call to vote for the religious Zionist list with the letter 9” the rabbi concludes his words And he writes: “A large and strong religious Zionist list will, with God’s help, strengthen the Jewish identity of the country, its security and the settlement in the land.”

Pegit Rabbi Druckman and members of the Jewish Home

As I recall, before the holidays, Ayelet Shaked and members of the Jewish Home party met with Rabbi Druckman, during the visit then Shaked said: “On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, we came to the list of the Jewish Home to receive a New Year’s blessing from the elder of the religious Zionist rabbis, Rabbi Druckman Shalita”, and added: Each said to the rabbi what was on his heart. The rabbi heard, strengthened us and blessed us with a good and sweet year. Happy New Year to the entire House of Israel.”

Shaked’s post after the meeting with Rabbi Druckman:

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