Rabbi Nevenzal: “Donate today to my closest students”

by time news
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Who is considered a wretch nowadays and how is it possible to observe the mitzvah of gifts for the wretched in elegance? In a special video that was published recently, Rabbi Nevenzal is seen testifying about his close disciple and saying:

“I very much seek the public help for Rabbi Bloch, who is a great wise student and has a large family without the evil eye, with many souls and crowded with them in residence.

He is a real Jew who gives his life for the Torah and they have nothing at home, they are a large family in a very distressed situation.

I ask everyone who can help him and help them, and a blessing will come upon him with the blessing of those who support the Torah to hold it,

And Gd will bless them in this world and in the next and they will see success in all their deeds, Amen! “

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The rabbi’s family details the difficult case and explains the urgent need to give them gifts for the needy and make the children happy on Purim:

This is a family of 14 people living in a 2-room apartment that includes 50 square meters. The father, who is one of Rabbi Nevenzal’s closest students, is an adult student who sits and studies non-stop.

Despite the financial difficulty that always accompanied them, the children grew up in a happy atmosphere and the educational staff did not believe the data to which they were exposed, as one of them testified:

“Bloch’s children were well-groomed and gentle, never seen sadness, they had a good and warm home, the father’s Torah enlightened their soul.”

Recently, however, there have been unfortunate changes in the family, the father has fallen ill, the house has stopped functioning and the children are hungry for bread.

In light of the above, Rabbi Bloch is considered a real loser and anyone who wants to keep the mitzvah elegantly in response to Rabbi Nevenzal’s request can do so today and tomorrow at the following link.

For observance of gifts for the needy, click here >>>

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