Rabbi Sadan: The government has crossed 2 very dangerous red lines

by time news

(Photo: Bnei David Preparatory School, Ali)

In a letter to his students and graduates, the head of the Bnei David institutions, my husband, winner of the Israel Prize, Rabbi Eli Sadan, writes his opinion on the government.

Rabbi Sadan writes that the current government has crossed 2 very dangerous red lines: “For the first time in the history of the State of Israel Partner in the coalition, that is – in the management of the State of Israel – an Arab party! “

And the other is thatFor the first time in the history of the State of Israel “A government has been formed on the” purity “of the secular parties, and no religious party is a partner in it (of course, except for the Islamic religious party!)”.

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With regard to the first section, Rabbi Sadan listed the violation of the Jewish identity of the State of Israel, which was established as the state of the Jewish people. In partnership with Arabs, Rabbi Sadan sees: “The current government is tattooing In fact being as she is The deepest ideological basis of the Jewish identity of the State of Israel! “

And further: “Establishment of a government with RAAM, ideologically embraced by March, And probably also by work Creates a new public discourse, Creates a discourse that is proud of the new situation and sees in it the future of the country. I was really ashamed when the new prime minister boasted to the UN Council that he had won the formation of a unity government – and at the UN it is clear that the intention is with the Arabs as well. And so the venom is slowly spreading And harms the Zionist consciousness of some of the people living in Zion. “

The raising of the heads of the Arabs is dangerous

Rabbi Sadan sees the 5771 riots and the ‘Shomer Chomot’ events as a bad sign for the Arabs to raise their heads, which is harming the country.

“The appeal is slow, sometimes it’s behind the scenes and sometimes openly. But the discourse, and also the act, is changing. The most prominent example of this process is Absolute helplessness in the face of Arab violence against Jews. “

Rabbi Sadan testifies how his grandson was involved in a nationalist event: Behind them walks a group of Arab boys (Older and more mature), And calls behind them for a long time “Death to the Jews, death to the Jews, death to the Jews”! This is happening today in the State of Israel !!! Do you believe ?? !!

The hoisting of Palestinian flags in universities is also an expression of the state’s weakness: recently this has been a shocking expression – Universities have allowed students into their field Celebrate Nakba Day! And hoist Palestinian flags!

Are we crazy? The Nakba means that the War of Independence was immoral and unjust, and Palestinian flags symbolize the demand to return the Arabs to the “Palestine”, All of Palestine! Is it legitimate to demonstrate for these ideas in the Jewish state? Whoever claims that it was also during Netanyahu’s time – throws sand in the eyes.

Because this is not an excuse to repeat a bad thing…

Because today it is anchored in a post-Zionist pluralistic worldview that is permeating within us.

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Do not need religious parties in government?

The composition of the government without religious parties is also wrong in his eyes: “The thought that there is no need for a religious party, The dome-wearing representatives within the secular parties will take care of “religious matters” – “Proven to be wrong for many years, and the current government is the convincing proof of the mistake in this thinking – the religious representatives have no power to prevent the growing drift of harming the Jewish character of the State of Israel!”

Only a party whose stated goal is for the Torah to influence the character and character of the State of Israel, and therefore it enshrines this in clear clauses in the coalition agreement and its partners know that the entire existence of the government depends on the government’s decisions being acceptable to this party. Only in this way can the Jewish baking of the state be preserved. “

Bennett is no longer credible

But there is Something else that cannot be ignored. The current Prime Minister began his political path with expression “something new is starting”According to my recollection the intention was to– “New, clean, ideological, credible politics!

A new right and hope established by people whom the public believed in their integrity and good intentions, proved once again that“In politics – everything is allowed“, And caused double evil, apart from the terrible disappointment from them, they prevent the people who deserve to enter the Knesset.

And I will repeat the main point again: if indeed the government was faithful to what it promised when it set out – we will only deal with things on which there is consensus in the State of Israel, to rescue the country from further elections, lack of budget, etc. – because then our attitude to the government was different.

But it does not happen there is not really unity here, there is a collection of parties here each advancing its agenda, and the few examples I have given – and many others, prove that the current government does not really have one direction, but each of its components is very much involved in advancing its worldview. Aggressive. The Prime Minister’s beautiful words about unity, – unfortunately the rabbi – there is really no coverage on the ground… “

Despite this, the rabbi also had a few kind words for the government:

“Despite all of the above, I am convinced that this government is also doing good things and should be thanked for them. I do not agree with the system that says that everything should be disqualified, and that everything should be condemned as part of the struggle to overthrow the government. “

“For example – I am convinced that the government did everything in its power to fight the Corona. True – there are different approaches and it is legitimate to take a different position. In this war, the government is consulting with the best people it knows how to recruit – and it needs to be strengthened, and action taken so that the citizens of the country will obey its instructions. “

“I suppose there are other issues on which the government promotes important interests of the State of Israel, should be recognized and acknowledged. But I believe that all these good things do not justify and atone for the destruction and destruction of the Zionist, Jewish and moral ideological infrastructure of the State of Israel.

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