Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu: If the pilots persist in their refusal, we will have to give up their talent

by time news

How do you resolve the dispute with the hi-techists? How do you resolve the dispute in the people? I have been thinking about this question for a long time.

Yesterday I heard from the leader of a party that barely passed the threshold, a party that was elected by a small minority of the people, stand on the podium of the synagogue and tell in great detail about a poor woman whose son is in intensive care and she comes to visit him on Passover and the hospital security guards do not allow her to enter because she has a pea in the bag.

The same member of Knesset continues to describe how because of the peas she brought in her bag, that poor woman is allowed to enter only through the back door, which is humiliating, because she has no head covering and all, and other kinds of descriptions that I prefer not to repeat.

Her words reminded me of Korah’s story

Korah incites the people of Israel against Moses and tells them about the poor widow who lived in his neighborhood and how Moshe and Aharon oppress her with donations and tithes (the Torah gives a long description that we all know).

This is how he attracts the hearts of the people. Even though the people know that in the desert there are no contributions and no tithes, and everything he describes are imaginations, but Korah, this extremely rich man, is seen as a “protector of the poor widows” and through the fact that he talks about the poor widows, he seeks to win the hearts of the people. I mean, to rule the people.

This tactic is very similar to the method used by the extreme left. Is there anyone in the State of Israel more privileged and privileged than the leftist parties? We all know how privileged they are.

It’s not bad to be privileged and privileged, the question is what you do with that power. The leftists are people who have taken over the centers of power in the country: the judiciary, the media and academia, and they always tell us how they protect the weak. They, they protect the weak. Really similar.

How does Moshe solve the problem?

At first Moshe asks Korach to come to him. When Korach does not come, Moses goes to him himself, falls on his face, humiliates himself. Moshe Rabbino, the leader of the people of Israel for generations, the leader who influenced humanity more than anyone else, he humiliates himself in front of Korah.

Who is Korah? Rich, privileged, privileged. But it doesn’t work. What does Moses do? He says: ‘Lord of the worlds, this man will not be allowed to tear the people apart. In no way will it be given to him. And Moses, our Lord, turns to G-d and asks: “Lord of the world, and if she is healthy, God will create.”

We all know the painful result, but there is one consolation in this story:

When the dispute ends and Korach’s sons did not die. Korah’s sons realized their father’s mistake. And on a long and winding road, they return to the people of Israel and contribute their wonderful talent for the people of Israel – the psalms in the book of Psalms that we all know.

How many psalms of Bnei Korah are in the book of Psalms, wonderful psalms that have remained for generations. Bnei Korah’s psalms are the psalms that teach about an incredible ability to influence the people of Israel and to influence the whole world for the better: “For the people, הרי֥יעו לֵ ἝἝλο-הִיָים בְּוּל רָּֽה”.

Today we bow, but if the pilots persist in their refusal, we will have to give up their talent. They may leave the country and assimilate, and maybe a day will come and their children will return to the country and contribute their talents to the mission of the people of Israel.
This is probably the solution. It hurts, but there is no other choice.

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