Rabbis of Efrat v. Council: “Causes residents discomfort”

by time news

The survey distributed by the Efrat Council to its residents regarding the treatment of the LGBT community in the locality continues to stir up a storm.

“We read with shock and astonishment the poll published in Efrat, which seeks to promote public legitimacy
For offenses for which modesty is good, “the 15 rabbis who signed the letter began, adding that” calling on the Western world to encourage various kinds of connections and wave flags of hacking publicly harms the family institution in Israel, harms God’s presence among us, and does not help people face these challenges. ”

The letter is signed by rabbis who are involved in what is happening within their communities, and from this they went on to clarify that, “Every man and woman, who feels distress of all kinds, including distress in the field of physical inclinations, knows that Efrat rabbis will have a loving heart and attentive ear. To them as needed. “

Letter of the rabbis against the Efrat Council Photo: None

“Council calls to remove poll”

Needless to say, we have no way of persecuting or humiliating a person for his inclinations, and even if he sinned, accidentally or intentionally, Israel
He, our brother is. Our way is through the love of Israel, “the rabbis emphasized and clarified:” On the other hand, our way is not in waving fashionable flags, which do not give a real answer to personal adversity, but in personal and genuine listening to every person. ”

“We, who serve in the Holy Land, hear from the field that this questionnaire makes many Efrat residents uncomfortable.
And a sense of non-belonging. Also parents to the people who deal with these issues, which we support and them
Assistants, are not looking to raise a flag or shout pride, “the rabbis said, addressing those behind the survey:” We call on the Efrat Council to remove the survey, and focus the forces on genuinely addressing those who need it, on a personal level. “Our Torah gifted the success of the return of the land in the divine moral purity of the settlers, and therefore we must be careful to preserve the Torah and its values ​​not to acknowledge the transgression, and easy and material not to be proud of it publicly, and at the same time help privately anyone who needs it.”

The rabbis who signed the letter are Rabbi Yair Binstock, rabbi of the Zeit Raanan congregation, Rabbi Chaim Brenner, rabbi of the Magen Avraham congregation, Rabbi Dror Giladi, head of the Baor Panich congregation, Rabbi Bezalel Daniel, rabbi of the Rashit Dagan congregation, Rabbi Eitan Weiss, religious council Efrat, Rabbi Aharon Toledano, Rabbi of the Or Haviv Congregation, Rabbi Eitan Cohen, former Rabbi of the Religious Council, Rabbi Shlomo Katz, Rabbi of the Shirat David Congregation, Rabbi Elchanan Lewis, Rabbi of the Tiferet Avot Congregation, Rabbi Nissan Nachshon of the Efrat Chabad House , Rabbi Baruch Simcha Efrati Rabbi of the Kol Barama Congregation, Rabbi Shlomo Kimchi Rabbi of the Orot Yehuda Congregation, Rabbi Sarel Rosenblatt Former Rabbi of the Neta Binyamin Congregation, Rabbi Rafi Kadosh Rabbi of the Bracha and Shalom Congregation, Rabbi Shlomo Yedidya HaCohen Shor Rabbi “The Olive Lights.”

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