Rabies kills 1 coma, 1 dog bite due to lack of vaccination

by time news

Director of the Department of Disease Control revealed that this year found 1 death from rabies, 1 coma due to dog bites and scratches, did not see a doctor for vaccination.

On September 20, 65, Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control Referring to the rabies situation in the country from January 1 to September 18, 65, 1 death was found in Chonburi province and another patient in Songkhla province, both of whom were bitten and scratched by dogs. Did not see a doctor and was not vaccinated against rabies. after exposure to the disease The first death in February last year in Chonburi had a history of being scratched by a dog that was adopted. and did not go to the doctor to receive any vaccinations. As for the second or latest patient in Songkhla province, he was bitten by an unowner dog on his left hand, bleeding after the wound was cleaned. Refusing to see a doctor for rabies vaccination Although the father of the patient and the health volunteers have recommended vaccination. and after the dog dies No rabies test was sent. He is currently hospitalized and put on a ventilator. Therefore, it can be seen that the risk factor for rabies is being bitten and scratched by an animal without receiving a rabies vaccine. And dogs are still a major cause of transmission. which rabies is a contagious disease from animals to humans The virus enters through a wound that is bitten, scratched or licked, or comes in contact with the saliva of any infected mammal. The most common animals are dogs, followed by cats and cows.

Dr. Opas continued that people who have been infected with rabies from animals The initial symptoms are low-grade fever. later itching It usually starts from the site of the bite wound, stings, and then spreads to other parts. Some people itches so much that they become inflamed, loss of appetite, fatigue. Later, restlessness, fear of light, fear of wind, chattering, restlessness, chills, eyes often widen. It is sometimes mistaken for a mental disorder. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, drooling, muscle spasms, tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, possibly convulsions, paralysis, loss of consciousness, and eventually death. If people are bitten by a dog or cat Please hurry to get vaccinated against rabies as soon as possible. Even if the wound is small or if you have recently received a COVID-19 vaccination or have an appointment to have a vaccination against COVID-19, you can immediately get the rabies vaccination. Don’t wait for a moment People don’t have to worry at all. Must have a complete set of rabies vaccinations. and according to the appointment to be effective Vaccination will prevent death. But if infected with rabies and left. until the infection enters the nervous system until showing symptoms of illness Medicines or vaccines will not cure them. Every patient will die.

Dr Opas also said that he asked the public to bring their dogs to be vaccinated against rabies in animals and asked them to be more careful for themselves and their children not to let the animals scratch. Avoid contact with dogs or cats whose vaccination history is unknown. to reduce the risk of getting rabies If bitten by a dog or cat or just scratched Immediately wash the wound with clean water and soap several times to flush out the infection as much as possible from the wound as quickly as possible. Then wipe the wound with an antiseptic and rush to the nearest medical facility. To get vaccinated against rabies as soon as possible. In addition, if an animal is suspected of rabies, immediately inform the livestock authorities for observation and quarantine. The method of rabies prevention is not difficult. Asking people to bring dogs and cats aged 2 months and over to be vaccinated against rabies. and stimulating injections every year In upcountry, the vaccination can be obtained at the local free rabies vaccination service. and in the Bangkok area Vaccination services are available at 8 locations: 1) Public Health Service Center 23 Si Phraya 2) Public Health Service Center 43 Min Buri 3) Public Health Service Center 21 Wat That Thong 4) Public Health Service Center 24 Bang Khen 5) Public Health Service Center 33 Wat Hong Rattanaram 6) Public Health Service Centers 29 Sections, Nuchnet 7) Public Health Service Centers 30 Bangkok Noi and 8) Din Daeng Rabies Control Group Ask for more information at Department of Disease Control hotline, call 1422

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