“Racism at Elon Musk’s Tesla?” – What happened and the background! | Tesla facing new racial discrimination case by DFEH

by time news

In this case, hundreds of African-American workers affected by racism complained to the California-based Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), a civil rights body.

Elon Musk Tesla Cyber ​​Truck

The DFEH organization, which received the complaints, filed a racist lawsuit against the Tesla factory in the California Superior Court (Alameda County) in the California Superior Court last Wednesday based on the evidence available.

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Court stamp

Kevin Kish, director of the DFEH organization, wrote in a written complaint that Tesla’s Fremont factory was racially segregated. Non-African American workers are often given priority in factory placement, discipline, pay and promotion. But the African-American workers who work there have been subjected to racial slurs and physical oppression. Not only that, but for the sole reason of being African-American, there is severe discrimination in employment, discipline, pay and promotion. “

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