Racism, misogyny and homophobia at Scotland Yard: “The police are broken and rotten”

by time news


A devastating report denounces that more than 800 agents were investigated for sexual abuse. “Trust in the police is damaged,” acknowledges Rishi Sunak

Senior civil servant Louise Casey, author of the report.Kirsty O’Connor / POOLEFE
  • United Kingdom A sexual predator at Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard has become a stronghold of “racism, misogyny and homophobia”. The Metropolitan Police is “broken and rotten”, operates with a “boys club” mentality and has completely lost the trust of citizens, according to the devastating report of more than 360 pages prepared by the senior official Louise Casey that has shaken the foundations of London.

it’s a scary thing that generates anger, frustration and shame”, acknowledged after reading the report the chief commissioner Mark Rowley, who a year ago picked up the baton from Cressida Dick, the woman who definitively ruined the reputation of the London police after horrifying cases such as that of the agent Wayne Couzens (who kidnapped, raped and murdered the young Sarah Everard in 2021) or that of police officer David Carrick (accused of 85 “sexual crimes” and rapes twelve women covered by his uniform).

More than 800 agents investigated for possible sexual abuse and domestic violence. Cases of violations filed systematically. 12% of the female agents admitting they have suffered harassment and sexual assaults by their colleagues. Urine bags thrown on their patrol cars. Sex toys left on their coffee cups.

To the usual cases of sexism is added “institutional racism” in the police force of 32,000 mostly white officers… A “Sikh” officer had his beard shaved by force. Another was put a turban in a shoe box. A Muslim agent found a slice of bacon in his boots.

At least one in five police officers acknowledged having personally experienced cases of homophobia. The culture of bullying is practiced from the highest levels: newcomers have to go through “rituals” such as letting himself urinate on himself in the showers.

“Too many Londoners have lost faith in the police,” Louise Casey stresses in her report. The classic image of the “bobby” hanging around the neighborhood has given way to the general mistrust of people towards Scotland Yard. “The neighborhood watch service no longer exists and problems with ethnic minorities have become more acute,” the report concludes.

“It is true that there are racists, misogynists and homophobes in our organization,” acknowledged Chief Commissioner Mark Rowley. “But we are identifying and investigating the toxic elements. We are getting rid of them and we are going to attack the problem at the root.”

The devastating report knocked on the doors of Downing Street. “Clearly, trust in the police has been seriously damaged by everything we have discovered this year,” acknowledged the “premier” Rishi Sunak. “There has to be a change in culture and a change in leadership.”

“The Casey report marks one of the darkest days for the Metropolitan Police,” said London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who in April 2022 forced the resignation of Cressida Dick, the first woman to head Scotland Yard, before the barrage of cases of police abuse that came to light after the murder of Sarah Everard.

“It is important that we take advantage of this opportunity to reform our police system,” stressed Khan, who does not rule out supporting the possible breakup or division of Scotland Yard into various departments, one of the recommendations with which the Casey report concludes.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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