Råde Mayor Advocates for One-Year Extension to Save Iconic Jordbærbua Amid Regulatory Challenges

by time news

Råde mayor René Rafshol (H) tells Fredriksstad Blad that he will try to save Jordbærbua, and will be positive about granting the business a one-year exemption to continue operating.

– That is my opinion; I will bring this up with the county municipality and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration over the holiday, as they are the ones who decide, he says.

Rafshol mentions that he has already brought up the issue with county mayor Sindre Martinsen-Evje.

Over 40 years in the same location

Jordbærbua was started by Jorunn and Harald Wold in the early eighties, and it has always been located in the same place, on the south side of the national road through Råde.

According to Råde municipality’s land use plan, it is located on the wrong side of the road; the area on the south side is reserved for housing, while businesses are to be located on the north side (the same side as Kiwi and Europris).

However, it is the road authorities that have had the strongest objections to the location.

End of exemption at the turn of the year

Concerns for traffic safety are the main reason for denying the current location of Jordbærbua.

The business has previously received exemptions from both Råde municipality and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to continue operating, but this will expire at the turn of the year. Mosseveien is both a national road (110) and a county road (118), which is why both the county municipality and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration must be consulted.

Fredriksstad Blad wrote about the impending relocation last summer; a year later, no new premises or land for the business has been found. The closure is approaching.

– What happens now, Gretland?

– Our lease expires at the turn of the year. Normally, the season lasts until the end of October. As of today, we have not found a new location for Jordbærbua. Råde municipality has promised to help us find a place, and we hope it can be resolved, he says.

Will apply for an extension

– Will you apply for a new exemption to continue operating?

– Yes. We hope to get permission to operate for another year or two until we find a more permanent solution for Jordbærbua, says Gretland.

Mayor Rafshol states that it is reasonable to grant the business another year’s exemption while awaiting the completion of the zoning plan.

– How important is it for the municipality to relocate commercial activities to the north side of the road and have housing on the south side?

– It has been a long-term goal. A few years ago, Coop, which was located on the south side, moved where new housing is now being built. Through the work on the land use plan, we wish to gather commercial activities on one side of the road and housing on the other, he says.

Time-consuming process

According to Fredriksstad Blad, there have been attempts to relocate Jordbærbua to the area by Kiwi at Jonsten, but a new zoning plan must first be created, which can take up to two years.

The high interest rates are causing developers to delay realizing their plans, and it is not easy to find new premises for the farm shop.

July is always peak season for Jordbærbua, and many visit, as Fredriksstad Blad also experienced earlier this week.

Jordbærbua is popular among both residents of Råde and holiday homeowners, not least for all those passing on the road between E6 and Fredrikstad/Hvaler.

Gretland has operated the farm shop in Råde since 2018. The farm shop Blomster & Mat in Råde, which Gretland co-owns with Jarl Roger Johansen (55), through the company Kato AS, had four full-time equivalents in 2023.

– Are you getting a lot of reactions about having to move, Gretland?

– Yes, many are reacting to the fact that we might disappear after the turn of the year. I hope this doesn’t happen and that we can continue, he says.

Hope for good news in August

Gretland says he expects to receive clarification from the authorities about the future of the business right after the summer holiday.

– The management in Råde municipality has said they will help us, says Gretland, who hopes to have good news to share about continuing operations when we reach August.

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