Radiation in iPhone 12 – Apple contradicts French authorities

by time news

2023-09-13 08:51:00

Apple iPhone 12

The French radiation regulator ANFR found that the limit values ​​were slightly exceeded in its tests and called for a stop to sales.

(Photo: dpa)

Paris In the discussion about excessive electromagnetic radiation in the iPhone 12, Apple contradicted the French authorities on Wednesday. The US technology group announced that the smartphone complies with international limits. Reviews by numerous states have confirmed this.

The French radiation regulator ANFR found that the iPhone 12 exceeded the limit values ​​in its tests and called for a stop to sales of the cell phones. She also announced that she would send employees to the US company’s branches. You should make sure that no more iPhone 12s would be offered there.

Apple has two weeks to react, said Jean-Noel Barrot, the minister responsible for the digital economy, to the newspaper “Le Parisien”. “If they don’t, I’m prepared to order a recall of all iPhone 12s in circulation. The rule is the same for everyone, including the digital giants.”

Possible recall in France and rest of the EU

France will make the test results available to the other states of the European Union (EU), Barrot said. They could make similar decisions to his country. “That could trigger a snowball effect.” However, the devices are already several years old. Apple presented the latest generation of this smartphone, the iPhone 15, on Tuesday. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) says it only has the information mentioned in the ANFR press release. Detailed results are not yet available.

According to the information, ANFR tested the so-called specific absorption rate (SAR). It indicates how strongly electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by a material and thus heated. According to medical studies, excessive SAR from cell phones can promote certain types of cancer.

According to the information, the authority determined a SAR of 5.74 watts per kilogram. The device was held in the hand or put in a trouser pocket. The EU limit is 4.0 watts per kilogram. The limit was adhered to when measuring in jacket or shoulder bags.

>> Read here: China rejects iPhone ban reports

“The usage scenario when a cell phone is held in the hand or carried in a trouser pocket and used to make calls via Bluetooth is not specified in the currently applicable standard for manufacturers to check,” explained the BfS. So far, only use on the head or torso has been tested. Changes to the test scenarios are currently being discussed.

On its website, Apple publishes the SAR for the different versions of the iPhone 12, all of which are below the limits. According to its own statements, the company provided the ANFR with the results of numerous in-house tests and checks by independent laboratories. These all showed harmless radiation levels.

The news hits the US company in difficult times: sales of its smartphones, which contribute around half of total sales, are weakening worldwide. In addition, according to insiders and media reports, China banned government employees from using iPhones in their workplaces. However, the government in Beijing rejected this on Wednesday.

In Germany, the Federal Network Agency is responsible for such issues. A spokesman for the Bonn authority said on Wednesday that the procedure in France had a guiding function for Europe as a whole. “If the process in France has progressed sufficiently, the Federal Network Agency would examine a process for the German market,” he said. We are in close contact with our French colleagues.

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