Radicalization in Kiryat Belza? Emergency meeting and strict regulations on the malls and stores

by time news

An emergency meeting, held under the leadership of the rabbis of Kiryat Belza and the surrounding area following a spiritual deterioration in the Shamgar Street area “The holy Kiryat was built in blood and sweat, so that we can live in a quiet area on the purity of the Holy. Store owners who are unable to comply with the committee’s regulations, are asked to leave us to our own devices” – they announced

Thousands of residents of Kiryat Belza and the surrounding area gathered last night (Wednesday) for a special emergency meeting of its kind, to gather and stand up for themselves following the deterioration of the spiritual situation in the Shamgar Street area. The necessary need for a gathering arose, following various events that happened during the last period and reached the table of the rabbis and businessmen, and lit red lights.

At the center of the gathering was the necessary need to establish uniform regulations to which all shop owners in the area would be asked to comply, and all this for the sake of preserving the character of the area and the required sanctity and modesty.

“It is not possible that shops for eating food and taverns spring up in our new areas in the mornings, remain open until the wee hours of the night and are a fertile ground for all kinds of tourists who are not at all residents of the place, who come to the place and behave in it as if it were their own,” cried the rabbis in pain.

“How much pain was caused and how many tears were shed from the eyes of concerned parents, whose sons were exposed to depraved sights that our ancestors did not want, following the unwanted guests arriving in the area, after there is no stopping the shop owners, to conduct themselves as they see fit and to employ all types of workers, without observing No threshold.”

The rabbis did point out that approximately 95% of the shop owners from the beginning manage their businesses properly and correctly, understand the nature of the place and the atmosphere of the residents and try very hard not to deviate from this. But enough is enough for those 5% who do not understand the pain and the cry, which make the streets look the way they do for now.

One of the businessmen shouted from the bottom of his heart, “We spat blood to build Kiryat Belza as a reserved and holy place for the followers of Belza, and here we are walking down our streets, no more, we will go with this to the end.”

One of the rabbis said at the conference: “Each store is built on only a few tens of percent of profit. If we rarely leave the stores that do not obey the committee’s regulations, the stores will not last.”

From the gathering came the call to all shop owners in the area, to accept upon themselves to act according to the committee’s regulations, which were carefully drafted after consultation with the great rabbis and educators on the one hand, and the best experts on the other, in order to correct the required correction and stop the obstacles that have been created until today.

The speakers expressed a strong hope that all the shop owners would indeed comply with this basic request and comply with the regulations, so that they would not be required to take steps that could cause grief, God forbid. “We do not come to fight with anyone, but only to protect ourselves and the souls of our children, and I hope that this will be resolved in a pleasant way.”

But if not, the businessmen promise that the public will already know with a nickel to identify which of the stores do not meet the committee’s requirements, and then the public will be forced to keep their feet away from the unruly stores. “We cannot support with our own hands those who spoil the souls of our children! For these shops there are Jaffa and King George streets. What should they look for in the pure area of ​​Kiryat Belza?” wonder

‘Bachaderi Haredim’ will continue to follow the developments and results of the special emergency meeting.

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