Radio Profile | Learning to set healthy limits for our life

by time news

2023-07-15 20:00:00

Throughout our lives, we interact with other people and form relationships. Some of those relationships last for years, while others are more temporary in nature. But regardless of the length of a relationship, it’s important to create clear guidelines for how we want the other person to treat us.

A healthy boundary is an invisible line that establishes whether certain behaviors are acceptable in a relationship. Some boundaries may refer to physical needs, such as a request to avoid physical contact, while others are more emotional.

Creating your own boundaries is a form of self-care that allows you to determine how you want to be treated in your relationships. Thus honoring your unique needs, since no two beings are the same on this earth. This way you ensure that you feel respected and safe in any relationship. And also, it is a good way for the other person to get to know you, and there are no false expectations.

What would you avoid by setting limits?

Get angry with the other person.

Hope they guess what you need.

feel resentment

Emotional and mental exhaustion.

Frustration in your life.

Let them take advantage of you.

Setting limits is not an easy task when we have not learned it. It can be hard to set boundaries with loved ones, especially if you haven’t done so in the past. You may worry that you will offend them or hurt their feelings by expressing your needs.

On the professional side, setting boundaries can seem more difficult, especially in interactions with superiors. But failing to do so could result in burnout and frustration, which may even lead you to look for a job elsewhere. If you feel disrespected or taken advantage of in your professional life, it’s important to start talking about your needs.

Romantic relationships also benefit from boundaries, whether they are physical, emotional, or a combination of both. By setting your expectations of your partner, you can express your needs and desires more openly.

What are the benefits of setting boundaries?

They build healthier and more fulfilling relationships on all sides.

They allow you to set realistic expectations and goals in your career.

It allows you to clearly communicate your availability.

It helps you manage your personal time and make use of it.

Generate more self-confidence especially when the other person respects them.

When others respect your boundaries, you can feel validated, heard, and appreciated.

As you move towards setting boundaries and making your voice heard in your relationships, you can better understand your worth and earn the respect of those around you. Boundaries are beneficial in all relationships, so take time to think about which boundaries are healthy for you and how you can best maintain them.

Learn to let go. On the way to setting limits, you may come across people who no longer find it convenient to have a relationship with you. And that will be fine for you. You will ensure that you have healthy relationships.

Listen to Paula Cabalén’s column for Radio Perfil.

by Paula Cabalén

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