Raid Adventure in Tarterêts: back to basics

by time news

Les Tarterêts, in Corbeil-Essonnes, is one of those neighborhoods commonly described as “difficult”. However, as long as we are interested in it, we discover that its inhabitants are very attached to it. For some of them, sometimes present since the 1960s, the restructuring of the neighborhood and the rehousing in new buildings means leaving behind them the story of a life. So, at the dawn of the demolition of two large towers, the association La Toile supports the inhabitants in a process that is not without evoking a form of mourning. For a year, Cyrille Dondas and Richard Sangah, respectively president and secretary general of the association, prepared a great event, with the active help of many inhabitants of the city, “to celebrate one last time together and remember the good times past”.

See also: “To live is to be useful to others” Bruno Pomart, president and founder of Raid Aventure

On the program: artistic workshops, photo and graffiti exhibition, picnic and snack bar, make-up stand, concerts, and at nightfall, a sublime projection of filmed interviews on the walls of buildings.

In addition, an important documentary research work was carried out, to preserve the memory of the experience of a district which welcomed up to 10,000 inhabitants. And it was precisely during this quest for archives and testimonies that Cyrille Dondas discovered the work of volunteer police officers from Raid Aventure, initiated in Tarterêts 30 years ago. Corbeil-Essonne is indeed one of the municipalities which saw the birth of the actions of the association. The Web therefore invited the police to join the party, who immediately accepted. And we were able to go there too:

On May 21, 2022, the youngest inhabitants of Tarterêts participate with obvious pleasure in the various activities organized for them by the volunteers of Raid Aventures, while elders have come to pay a strong tribute to the association. Indeed, for these adults who grew up in Tarterêts, Raid Aventure had a decisive impact on their childhood, on their relations with the police and sometimes on their future. “Fortunately the Raid cameentrusts us one of them “in off”, I wouldn’t be the man I’ve become”.

For their part, the former members of Raid Aventures savor this return to basics which allows them to assess the progress made, while more recent recruits explain the incomparable enrichment that these encounters constitute. All are also pleased to soon be able to lead a module in police academies through a program appropriately named “Raid Academy”.

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