Raid Mahamid’s body was found in Kinneret after nine days of searching

by time news

sad ending: After an extensive search operation by the police, in cooperation with the soldiers of the Sea Arm, the body of the 29-year-old lawyer Raid Mahamid from Umm al-Fahm, who fell from a boat in the lake last Friday, was located in Kinneret. Mahamid’s body was identified by his family members.

MDA paramedic Omri Gorga, who accompanied the search operations of the sea arm divers in Kinneret, said: “From the morning hours I accompanied the sea arm divers who were operating in Kinneret with special equipment until the missing person was located. They pulled him from the bottom of the Kinneret when he was without signs of life and MDA paramedics who were waiting at the Degania anchorage determined his death.”

Last Friday, the police received a report about the absence of Mahamid in Kinneret. From receiving the report until finding him, hundreds of police officers, naval forces, volunteers and civilians worked around the clock in an attempt to locate him using all available means, including: advanced technological means, naval warriors, helicopters and police boats, jet skis, volunteer boats.

The rescue and rescue efforts focused on locating the missing person through extensive searches carried out day and night, from the air, on the beach and in the water.

The search for Raid Mahamid in Kinneret (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The body was located this morning by the sea arm through extensive scans of the sea using advanced and extensive technological measures by the soldiers of the sea arm’s marine detection unit (Sheit 3) and was recovered from the depths of the Sea of ​​Galilee by divers from the sea arm’s underwater mission unit.

The search for Raid Mahamid in Kinneret (Photo: Police Spokesperson)The search for Raid Mahamid in Kinneret (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The Commissioner, Chief Superintendent Yaakov Shabtai, arrived yesterday at the police headquarters in Ein Gev on the shores of the Sea of ​​Galilee. He met with his family members, and closely followed the search efforts.

The search for Raid Mahamid in Kinneret (Photo: Police Spokesperson)The search for Raid Mahamid in Kinneret (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

During his stay at the place, Shabtai told the family members of the missing man: “We are with you hand in hand, strengthening you and our message to you is that we will not let up until we find Raid.”

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