Railway, photos to capture fires Trains under the lens of the Public Prosecutor’s Office – time.news

by time news

time.news. Perhaps photo-traps, placed by the time.news Public Prosecutor’s Office, will clarify the causes of the vast fire that destroyed a large part of the Dannunziana pine forest last August.
THE PHOTO TRAPS. These are small cameras that, at night and during the day, immortalize every movement other than normal along the railway track that has ended up in the viewfinder of the judiciary that is investigating for fire and arson.
Frames that also fix any sparks that start from the rails as the trains pass. In this sense, there are also those who argue that the new trains are no longer sparking, but the investigators are still in possession of a video that proves the exact opposite.
Therefore, the track of the sparks that started from the rails and ended up among the scrub along the affected path of the railway always remains the most accredited even if, at the moment, there is no evidence that can provide certainties about it. The work that the forest police are carrying out is incessant.
THE RAILWAY TRAFFIC. However, I am still waiting for the information requested from Rfi on the traffic plan on Sunday 1st August: which trains passed through in the time frame in which the fire occurred.
A complete picture that only RFI has and which also concerns other lines such as that of the Sangritana. Once all the elements have been acquired, the pm Anna Benigni and forestry investigators will be able to narrow the field of hypothesis considerably.
Of course, the arsonist’s track (also linked to the suspected presence of a quad bike in the area) is losing more and more altitude and this also thanks to those telephone videos made by the inhabitants of the affected area which have however allowed to identify the time and the precise point. where the first fire developed. Filming that shows the flames take shape right next to the railway track in that area where, looking up, you can see via Terra Vergine.
THE PLATES. The Niab specialists, the Forest Fire Information Unit, in that same stretch took everything that was present along the railway to examine it, also identifying 15 platelets. These are hard nylon plates that are placed between one rail and the other to avoid friction. But they may also have nothing to do with the fire, as they may have been replaced in a previous maintenance and left on the ground. What is certain is that in that stretch the trains must necessarily slow down, and therefore brake, due to the presence of a tunnel and a curve. So the hypothesis of a possible spark comes back to the fore.
MAINTENANCE AND DELAYS. There are other aspects that the investigations are examining, and also very carefully. The first concerns the lack of maintenance of the railway line, so much so that in this regard the forest police asked Rfi to provide any useful element; the second concerns the timeliness of the intervention to put out fires. The commendable work carried out by the men of the Fire Brigade is well known, but unfortunately it must also be said that from the call of the mayor, which took place around 2.30 pm, the tankers would have arrived after 16.00. an aspect that the prosecutor will have to consider.
WORKS AFTER THE BURNING. Last note: the night between 5 and 6 August last, and therefore a few days after the vast fire, a railway team carried out work on that point of the route, on which the investigators asked for clarification. Not only that, but it seems that on the morning of the fire breakdowns were reported on the line leading to Francavilla al Mare. Of what nature? In this sense too, investigators are acquiring news. There are several open investigative fronts on which the prosecutor is working.
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