Rains in RS: Havan store in Lajeado is taken over by water

by time news

As heavy rains hitting Rio Grande do Sul since the beginning of the week they left the Havan store unit, in the city of Lajeado, covered by water.

In the image published on the official profile of the store chain in X, it is possible to see only the upper part of the building and the statue of liberty, the symbol that represents the store, in front. Furthermore, the photo shows the damage that the rains caused in the city.

“We hope that this moment passes as quickly as possible and that the strength and greatness of the people of Rio Grande do Sul prevail”, says the caption of the publication.

A CNN contacted Havan for more information about the Lajeados store, but until the publication of this note, there was no response.

The store owner, Luciano Hang, posted about help with sending helicopters to Rio Grande do Sul.

Havan also informed that it decided to postpone the opening of a store in Santa Rosa, initially scheduled for this Saturday (4), “in solidarity with the population of Rio Grande do Sul who were tragically affected by heavy rains”.

See images of the region provided by Grupo A Hora to CNN.

The precipitation that hits the Rio Grande do Sul region and the heat wave that affects the Southeast of Brazil can be explained by the “duel” between a strong mass of cold air and a hot one, which will keep the weather unstable and with rain in different areas of Rio Grande do Sul for the next few days.

The cold front that is in Rio Grande do Sul will not have the intensity to break the blockage of the hot air mass, and will be in a semi-stationary condition, causing rain in the North of Rio Grande do Sul and in part of Santa Catarina until this Saturday (4).

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