Raised vehicle mileage standards per gallon of gasoline

by time news

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), President Biden’s administration is raising standards for car mileage per gallon of gasoline to significantly reduce emissions of so-called warming greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Vehicles are the largest “supplier” of these gases in the United States, accounting for 29% of all harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Starting in 2023, the mileage of all vehicles per gallon of gasoline will gradually increase and reach 40 miles in 2026. That’s 25% more than the standard approved by the Trump administration (32 mpg) and 5% more than the EPA suggested in August (38 mpg).

EPA Director Michael Regan called the new standard “a giant step forward” in the implementation of President Biden’s climate protection agenda. “This ruling paves the way for the transition to all-electric, zero-emission vehicles of the future,” Regan added.

The plan to raise mileage standards gives the auto industry enough time to design and put into production cars that meet the new rules.


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