Ralf Schumacher’s Public Feud with Ex-Wife Cora Continues Amid Motorsport Comeback

by time news

The public private feud between Cora and Ralf Schumacher continues to unfold. After the quarrel between the ex-couple made headlines last week, Michael Schumacher’s brother followed up on Sunday (August 18).

Ralf Schumacher celebrated a surprising short-term comeback in motorsport at the Nürburgring in the Eifel, but the mudslinging was on everyone’s lips. The catalyst was his coming out just before the kick-off of the EM final in Berlin.

David Schumacher on the feud between father Ralf and mother Cora: “I have nothing to do with it!”

The former Formula 1 and DTM driver, who last participated in an official race in 2012, achieved two victories in the Prototype Cup Germany, co-organized by the ADAC, alongside his son David. After the two wins, the 22-year-old was asked, along with his father, about his parents’ mudslinging.

Successfully shared a cockpit over the weekend: Ralf Schumacher and his son David Schumacher.

Ralf Schumacher first took the floor emphatically in a TV interview. “Not me, definitely not,” the 49-year-old replied to a corresponding inquiry from RTL.

Ralf Schumacher makes serious accusations against Cora Schumacher again

“Same with me. I feel the same way…,” David Schumacher agreed with his father but suddenly paused mid-sentence, apparently to compose himself. “I have nothing to do with it; I don’t dwell on it. And as soon as the visor is down or the door is closed, it’s only about driving and nothing else.” He impressively demonstrated this at the Nürburgring.

His famous father confirmed this. “We were perfectly prepared. It is important that the car is fast under all conditions, which we achieved,” said the 49-year-old. “Today, David did the main job.”

David Schumacher speaks again about his parents’ conflict

Nonetheless, Ralf Schumacher used the RTL interview for another jab at Cora Schumacher. He made no secret of the fact that he regretted the media spectacle of the discussion at this point. At the same time, he made another accusation against Cora Schumacher. “There’s almost a system behind the fact that we always have this issue on the weekends when either David has a race or we are together. I think that’s just a shame.”

Ralf Schumacher then defended his aggressive approach against his ex-wife: “Well, I definitely think it’s important to stick to the truth. And everyone in the circle knew that. In this case, I clarified that last year around Easter, so I’m a little surprised.”

Ralf Schumacher’s coming out: Cora Schumacher complains – tears flow

The public mudslinging was triggered by Ralf Schumacher’s coming out. Michael Schumacher’s brother revealed his relationship with his partner Étienne on his Instagram account in mid-July with the words, “The best thing in life is when you have the right partner by your side with whom you can share everything.”

At that time, David Schumacher wrote the following under his father’s Instagram post: “I’m very happy you finally found someone with whom you can really tell that you feel very comfortable and secure, whether man or woman, I’m 100% behind you, Dad, and wish you all the best and congratulations.”

Ralf Schumacher’s Public Feud with Ex-Wife Cora Continues Amid Motorsport Comeback

While Ralf Schumacher received much support for his brave step to come out as gay, the accusations quickly escalated. Cora Schumacher gave an extensive interview to “Der Spiegel,” in which the 47-year-old complained that she had not been informed about the coming out beforehand. Subsequently, Ralf Schumacher published private WhatsApp chat histories to prove the contrary. (mbr)

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