Ram Natasha, the opposition is celebrating: these are the laws that were passed in the prehistory

by time news

Mansour Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu (Flash 90 / Noam Rivkin Fenton, Yonatan Sindel)

Shake in the Knesset following the plantations in the Negev. MKs from RAAM are not in the Knesset plenum, MK Nir Orbach on the right decided to leave the plenum in protest of the absence of MKs from RAAM and the compromise of the Minister of Welfare, Meir Cohen, meanwhile the opposition does not stop passing laws.

The laws passed in the pre-trial:

A bill that would require police officers to use body cameras during a demonstration by Ahmad Tibi and Osama Saadi from the joint list, each police officer performing his role during a demonstration, would use a body camera to document the events. It is further proposed that the documentation be kept, be accessible to the public, and in the event that a complaint of police violence is filed – be provided to the prosecuting authority, and the burden of proof will be on the police.

MK Galit Distel-Atbrian’s Minor Dealer Bill and a similar bill by MK Shlomo Krei of the Likud, are proposed to establish provisions regarding income tax payments, VAT, social security and health insurance for minors, ie a dealer whose turnover does not exceed A total of 60% of the average wage in the economy.

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A bill seeking to increase the old-age pension of MK Ayman Odeh, MK Orly Levy-Aboksis and MK Osama Saadi, is proposed to increase the old-age pension so that the monthly pension will be 40% of the basic amount instead of 17.7% as it is today, and the dependents’ supplement For a spouse it will stand at 20% of the basic amount and for each of its first two children at 12% of the basic amount, instead of 8.9% and 5.6% respectively today.

MK Odeh said: “Leaving the elderly to poverty is a crime that must go out of the world. Today a preliminary reading passed my bill to increase old-age benefits, and I will continue to promote it until we succeed in raising benefits. “If the government has billions in military pensions, it can find money for an old-age pension that allows for a dignified life.”

MK Levy-Aboksis added: “” The ministers of this destructive government have not approved the bill that will increase the allowance of senior citizens. This is an important and humane proposal, which will allow them to live with dignity, I am glad that we were able to pass it in the Knesset plenum. In the State of Israel, about 160,000 elderly people live below the poverty line. They do not really live, they survive from day to day, from morning to the next morning thinking about how they will end the month and how much money will be left for them to survive until the next allowance. They are supported by benefits, which are barely enough for rent and medicine. They are debating whether to spend the money on food, medicine, heating in the winter or buying some cheap blankets that will keep them warm in order to survive. They deserve to live with dignity. “We must give them the ability to live with dignity and not live in the poverty in which they are drowning, to allow them to sleep at night without worrying about tomorrow.”

MK Michael Malkieli’s Electricity Bill, which proposes to require an essential service provider to allow the electricity consumer to spread out the payments for electricity consumption without commission or interest. Another recent bill is by MK Miri Regev to abolish VAT on first apartments for young couples .

The Likud celebrated the losses of the coalition. MK Yariv Levin said: “Today it has been proven again – the current government is a government of chaos. In Korona, the Negev, and also in the Knesset. Zero management, zero leadership. Israel needs a government with a clear direction. To a strong government. We will continue to fight in the Knesset day and night, we will replace this government, and we will put the management of the state back on track. ”

It is important to note that the laws were passed only in a preliminary reading, now most of the bills will be passed to the relevant Knesset committees until they are approved for subsequent readings. Now there is no such dramatic significance to having passed the plenum.

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